Chapter eleven

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chapter eleven
Captain Gareth had seven locks put on his bedroom door. He informed the entire crew that nobody should go ten feet within his bedroom door or else they'd be getting thrown off the ship. The Captain had stopped laughing. He no longer trusted any of his crew. The Masked Mysterioso had told the news that there was an intruder on the ship. Everyone was ordered to keep an eye out for someone without a Masquerade Messes tattoo.

It was only the next day but everyone's mood had already changed so much. Jackson and Rubin were quieter. I passed by Ion that morning and he barely spoke at all. Noah was no where in sight.

So far everybody wasn't acting their typical selves and it scared me. This Kristopher guy - he really was going to tear the crew apart.

The Masked Mysterioso promised that he'd stop Kristopher and he promised that he'd protect me and I trusted him. I really did. I had no idea who the Masked Mysterioso really was but I believed in him. I had no idea where he was or what he was doing that day but I had a feeling he was trying to gather information.

* * *

chapter eleven, part II

I had received orders from Captain Gareth to meet in his room. At first I was very creeped out and even thought the possibility that he wanted to rape me but all those thoughts washed away when I heard Jackson, Rubin, and Ethan were ordered to meet up as there as well.

The time was probably eleven forty-nine in the morning, the meeting was to begin at noon. I had arrived the earliest, of course.

Ethan arrived a few minutes later, looking paranoid and sleep deprived.

Ethan didn't seem the type to handle dark times very well. He probably had a bright childhood with both his parents and probably even had a puppy. That type of bright childhood. The one where parent get along and life is so perfect so when you're on you're own, life becomes depressing because your mom is no longer there to kiss away your injuries, your father no longer there to teach you how to deal with difficulties. Zero support. Ethan looked like he was going to break down and cry. He had dark circles under his eyes and his hair looked like it had been entangled by little kids. His eyes were wide and he was silent. I doubted that he had an ounce of sanity any longer.

I wondered - is this feeling - the feeling of madness - the first stage to having a heart like a Psycho Freak member?

The thought of being like one of them traumatized me. They were all so dark. They all looked empty, their expressions all the same. They kept straight faces and could burn holes into you with their icy stares. And their captain - he was definitely bipolar. He terrified me. How could someone who can grin and smile so much murder their own little sister? That poor little girl must have suffered so badly. Who knows what those crew members did to her. They probably tied her up and raped her, starved her, and other hellish things that I didn't dare think of. Poor little girl...

"Vivienne, are you coming inside?"

I snapped out of my trance and rose my head. Captain Gareth was inside of his room, poking his head out and looking at me with a single cocked eyebrow. I heard Jackson's voice and Rubin's laughter from inside the cabin and realized the meeting was starting. I gave a quick nod and rushed into the room. It was at least four times larger than the cabins the crew members shared. It had red-punted walls and a huge royal red carpet that spread to all four corners. He had a king-sized bed silk-looking covers and the most comfiest appearing pillows. He also had two sofas surrounding a low, rectangular glass table. He had paintings up on the walls and a large wooden Victorian-designed dressed against the wall. On too of the dresser was an open box - it must have been the box in which his mother's emblem was being kept in. He must have been so frustrated that someone just took it like that. He must have felt so betrayed. No wonder he couldn't laugh anymore.

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