Chapter fourteen

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chapter fourteen
Kevin was buried early in the morning around one at the bottom of a mountain, located just on the outskirts of Gioplaz. Kevin was buried with his deceased lover's note in his cloak's pocket. I didn't believe in any Heaven or Hell or any afterlife in general, but last of me hoped they would meet again. Yet there was the issue that his lover was probably going to somewhere like heaven, where as Kevin on the other hand, well... he'd go the other way.

The Psycho Freak members were informed that their captain had been shot. Surprisingly, they didn't seem upset in the slightest. In fact, they all looked empty and lost all of a sudden. They looked absolutely defeated. One by one, they stepped off their anchored ship and eventually... their entire crew disbanded just like that, leaving their lonely ship rocking on the soft waves of the sea as the Psycho Freak members went off in different direction. After all, their entire crew was made of lost wande.

The Masquerade Messes felt as defeated as the Psycho Freaks. It may have been a win-lose but it definitely felt like a lose-lose.

Tired and exhausted, the seven of us went back onto our ship, most of us going to sleep. Jackson and Rubin offered to guard the ship, the both of them practically signing up to pull off all-nighters.

I tossed and turned in my bed, unable to sleep. I knew I'd just have a nightmare. A nightmare of my mother's death or maybe now Kevin's death. I was scared, honestly, even after our crew's entire problem had been solved, I was still scared. Scared about the future. I didn't want to witness another death, not again.

Rolling on my stomach, I stuffed my face into the stiff pillow of my bed, trying to stay awake. I was tired enough to sleep yet too afraid to, fearing the nightmares that could have come.

That was when there was a knock on the door. Completely caught off-guard I jumped to laying on my back, eyes wide as I stared at the wooden door. My mind played games with me and the possibilities of who it could have been at the door made me want to hide under the blankets like a little kid scared of a monster in the closet.

"Vivienne? It's me, Noah. I'm coming in."

I exhaled a heavy sigh of relief but a split second later I felt myself tense up again. Lately I had been nervous around the Masked Mysterioso, Noah.

The door's handle twisted and the door slowly creaked ajar, Noah sticking his head in to check before entering.

"Hey." His voice was soothing. As he locked eyes with me, a smile stretched on his lips.

"Hi..." I sat up in the bed, resting my back up against the wall. Noah entered the cabin and softly shut the door behind him with a quiet click and sat on the corner of my bed, right near my feet.

I could feel my heart pulsing, thumping louder and louder, practically banging in my chest as he gaze trailed from my feet under the covers up to my eyes.

"Are you alright?" He asked, his eyes seeming to glow in the darkness of the cabin. Crap, he was gorgeous.

"Y - yeah," I gulped down, cursing myself for stuttering, "I'm okay I think."

"You think?"

I nodded, pursing my lips. In truth, no. I wasn't okay. My head kept switching from the memory of watching my mother being beat to death to the memory of staring down at Kevin's dead body. I was far from "okay".

"You know, you don't have to lie." He whispered, shifting himself slowly closer to me as he spoke. My heart was aching from both nervousness and paranoia so much I thought I was going to burst out in tears.

He spoke again, his lips moving gently as he whispered in a soft tone, "It's okay to not be okay."

I looked down at my lap and felt my lips quiver with sadness. I wasn't going to cry. I was too sick of it.

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