Chapter fifteen

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chapter fifteen
For the following day I refused to leave my cabin. After Noah had left me a couple nights before, I ran to my cabin and cried under the blankets until sunrise. Jackson would try to console me but I pushed him away. The only time I ever let him get close was when he was handing me food or a snack.

Rubin would sometimes come in as well, just to check on me. He had talked to the captain and we were set sail for my home town, Tipsia.

Even though I had gotten what I wanted I managed to lose what I cherished most.

"He'll never forgive me!" I sobbed into the covers that blanketed me to the top of my head, laying on my back.

"Oh come on, don't say that...! You know Noah has more sensitivity in him than that! ...I think." Jackson sat by my bed side at my feet.

I pulled covers off my face and looked at Jackson with my sleep-deprived, red-from-crying-for-hours eyes. Seeing where he was seated I only remembered how Noah had kissed me in the cabin. I flailed my legs, stomping on the mattress, "he will never like me again!"

"Jack, you're not helping," Rubin groaned, standing near the bedside, "listen, Vivienne, Noah's just being selfish. He understand that you may want things to be happier and - "

"I need him to be happy though!" I cried, throwing the seventieth tantrum of the long morning.

Rubin spoke again, "Vivienne," but I interrupted him instantly.

"He makes me happy." I sniffed, wiping the rolling tears off my cheeks with the back of my hand.

Rubin sighed heavily, "why do you even want to leave?"

I didn't have to think about my response. "My aunt needs me. She probably thinks I'm long gone by now too. I left her without any warning or notice, you know. I wouldn't be surprised if she even rented out my room by now," I snorted, frowning with displeasure before continuing, "but it's also because I don't feel like adventuring is exactly for me. It's just not my thing."

"I get it." Jackson nodded understandingly and let out a light sigh. "Well, just hope for the best. There's a party tonight so try coming out to see Noah, okay? Maybe he'll calm down. Alright?"

I said nothing but gave a half-assed nod in response. Jackson gave me two thumbs-up and Rubin offered a reassuring smile.

It was then that my stomach growled awkwardly for three seconds straight, causing both men to burst out laughing. I buried myself under the covers again, secretly praying that the ship would just get knocked over by a sudden wave.

* * *

chapter fifteen, part II
When I actually left the cabin for the first time in more than twenty four hours I practically hissed at the sun when its rays hit me. The rays blinded me for about a good sixteen minutes, which I spent contemplating life choices.

Why didn't I just let that guy rape me?

Once my own thought processed in my head I wanted to slap myself.

No, no, rape is bad, don't joke around like that!

But it was just a joke?

But that was too far, rape is serious!

I slapped my forehead with shame.

I can't believe I'm actually having conversations with myself now. I'm definitely going crazy.


Oh no, I'm hearing voices now.


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