Chapter thirteen

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chapter thirteen
When did the world stop spinning so quickly? Why did the bad times always go slower than the better?

Life on the ship was getting depressing for all of us. It was difficult to keep a smile. Except for the captain. Captain Gareth was smiling all over again ever since I have him that pep talk. But the captain was mostly smiling because he bad come up with a plan. He was going to sail the ship to a small town. The rest I didn't know. I didn't see how sailing to a town would help get a murderer off the ship, but whatever floats his boat (get it? Because it's his ship, his boat? Haha, I know, I'm not funny, my apologies).

We were to reach the small town that night. The captain didn't want to wait long to make a stop since he wanted to put his plan in action quickly.

The town was supposed to be a lot like Tipsia, according to Rubin. It was pretty far from Tipsia but they were very similar towns. Our destination was called Gioplaz.

It only took me close to thirty minutes to collect all that information as I ran around the deck, asking crew members if they knew anything related to the plan. Most said no, but few gave me some information.

But the real person I had to ask was Ethan, the navigator of the ship.

Whom, by the way, was claimed missing.

He wasn't on deck, wasn't in the hallways, wasn't in the crow's nest, and he wasn't in his cabin.

The crew had a few theories:

1. Ethan fell off the ship

2. Ethan commit suicide

3. The obvious psychotic murderer running around the ship, killing innocent people got him.

4. Me, Vivienne Starfs.

I had become a well-known suspected murderer across the entire Masquerade Messes Pirate Crew.

Why and how? That was easy.

"Kristopher", who the crew was naming the Blade Shadow, wanted revenge on me for the night before. I hadn't taken his hand. I could have, and all of this would end. At least that's what he told me. But that could of meant he would set off bombs across the ship, literally putting an end to it, so I didn't think it was safe to trust him in the slightest.

But the Blade Shadow had gotten his revenge because he knew my close friends, including the captain, knew I hadn't done anything. I didn't have murder in me. To them, I was a sassy innocent girl with an attitude. To the rest of the crew I was a suspect since I had just fought with him the day before and people whispered rumors to one another, the story becoming worse each time. Therefore to many it was believed I could have killed. But because the captain didn't agree that I had done something, no one dared to lay a hand on me. In other words, the Blade Shadow got most of the crew to turn against me. How delightful.

I felt like I had to take matters into my own hands to prove I was guilty. I was going to search for Ethan, who could have been dead, but I didn't believe so. And I knew just the place to check.

I opened the door to the booze storage room and there he was, lying still on the floor. I ran to Ethan's side, frantically calling out his name. When his eyes fluttered open I immediately asked him what had happened. He told me he didn't remember anything, not even where he was when he was knocked out. He had a large bump on the back of his head and it was obvious what had happened. The Blade Shadow knocked him unconscious and threw him in here just like I had been thrown inside.

Ethan was still dazed and apparently still half unconscious as I dragged him to the captain. He immediately ordered a meeting in his room. Who was invited, for I did not know.

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