Chapter sixteen

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chapter sixteen
I wondered if my mother would have liked Noah. Would she approve?

I stood on the deck with Ethan and captain Gareth, pondering this question as the two men chatted beside me. The sun was a little past its peak, the sky looking like your typical bright blue sky with white clouds blotched here and there.

"Have you ever tried a cigar?"

"Yes, I have, Ethan, why?"

"You got any?"

Whatever they were talking about, I wasn't included. I was too busy sorting out my thoughts and feelings.

The night Noah saved me... he changed my opinion on pirates, didn't he? I mean, I think so... but last night...


Ethan interrupted my thinking and rudely snapped in my face. This irritated captain Gareth.

"Ethan, don't you do that to my Gem!"

Ethan rolled his eyes at his captain and focused on me once again. "From what I've checked, we're reaching Tipsia tomorrow night."

"What? Tomorrow night? You're joking, right Ethan? That's so soon!" Captain Gareth cried, slapping a hand on his forehead. "It feels like she just got here yesterday."

"Yeah, I know." Ethan chuckled, ruffling the hair on the back of his head. "It feels like just yesterday she saw me for the first time and sneered."

"I did not sneer!" I snapped in response. "Besides, it's not like you've changed your attitude in all this time, Ethan. You're still rude."

"But likable." Ethan winked with a grin. I shook my head at him with a frown, folding my arms.

"Alright, alright kids, the both of you better separate before one of you punches the other." Captain Gareth rolled his eyes and fixed the captain hat on his head.

"My pleasure." Ethan snorted and walked off without another word to me.

Captain Gareth and I stood alone, the silence awkward before he broke it with a question. "How's Noah doing? You certainly brought the 'man' out of that kid. I don't want to be mean, but I thought he was mute before you came along. You changed him."

"What? Really?" My eyebrows shot up at Gareth's words.

Captain Gareth nodded with a smile. "Indeed. He used to be quiet - he was the last person I expected to punch Ethan - and before you came along, I would have bet everything I have that he couldn't kill someone, yet he did. But I'm pretty sure he didn't do those things for himself."

Captain Gareth met my gaze and I swore there was a twinkle of childish excitement in his eyes. "He did everything for you, Vivienne - to protect you."

For some reason, I was surprised to hear the truth even though I had known it. I caught my breath.

It was true. From the day we met. He had always meant well to me. He had always stepped in when I was in danger, when nobody else would. He had saved my life several times - perhaps he deserved to be selfish just this once.

Noah was sweet, caring, protective. He always had been. He had always comforted me. Noah had also changed me. I was happy now, a feeling I hadn't felt since I had lost my mom. Noah and I had wounds and I hoped that I had healed him as much as he had healed me.

"Yeah. It's a shame you're leaving though." Captain sighed, reminding me about my main issue.

Now I wanted to see somebody.

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