♡ Hunter's Reply Entry #14 (Part Two) ♡

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WAIT! BEFORE YOU THINK THIS IS THE SAME CHAPTER YOU JUST READ; IT'S NOT! I kind of made the mistake of forgetting to put the reply entries in the last two chapters so I changed the title of 'Hunter's Reply Entry #14' to 'Hunter's Reply Entry #13 (Part Two)' - Which is the chapter when Hunzel gets made official and Liam's acting weird - because part one (#13) has an entry in it whereas this one doesn't. Then I changed the title of 'Hunter's Reply Entry #15' to 'Hunter's Reply Entry #14' Which is the one before this that has the little confrontation with Nikki, so since that one didn't have an entry, I've made this one 'Hunter's Reply Entry #14 (Part Two)' and will include the diary entry in this one.

Does that even make sense? XD

Dedication: zaiba14 Congratulations hun! You've come 1st place in the Quote Competition! Well done :) I really loved your reasoning for why you chose this quote and I especially love how much effort you put into the poster! It looks so awesome! :) Please message me if you want me to mail you the handwritten letter <3 Hope you enjoy the chapter! xo


Reply Entry #14

Dear Hazel,

*cue awful singing*

🎵 Hello, it's mee, I was wondering why there was such a gap between entries, and now I knooow, so thank you, I hope you had fun with Trent this past weeeeek 🎵

Okay, so it's not as good as your remake of 'Hello', but I tried haha. I do hope Trent is treating you right though, otherwise I'll beat his ass. Actually - never mind, he's practically on steroids and could kill me with just his pinky finger.  I'm not saying I'm scrawny, but Trent is like a bull. A bull loaded with steroids, that is.

I just realised that I could be offending you right now, sorry! I really don't like him. But you already know that... I'll shut up now. 

It makes me happy to hear about you spending time with your uncle and sister. At least you have some family who treats you how you should be treated. At least they have your back and you always have theirs. I like that.


Prince Charming xo

Closing the white notebook, I lean back against the old, weakened shelves and just shut my eyes.

This is so messed up. How could I possibly have feelings for a guy I don't know? I groan out loud and stand up, being careful not to knock into anything. After all, this is quite the enclosed space. I almost forgot.

Leaving the abandoned Janitor's closet, I make my way to Biology. Though of course, I just have to run into someone otherwise it wouldn't be a normal day, now would it?

"Hey, Hazel, what have you been up to lately?" A deep voice says from next to me, but I ignore him and just keep walking. I so don't have time for this. I'm already going through enough at the moment; I haven't talked to Uncle Willow in almost a month, the same goes for Tess, Liam is being weird, my mum is hardly around anymore, and my dad is in rehab. 

Oh, don't forget that Hunter still hasn't talked to me since Monday. And now it's Wednesday. Which is why I spent Morning Tea in the old Janitor's closet so I didn't have to deal with Hunter ignoring me again. 

"For God's sake, are you even listening? Or are you thick?" Coming to a halt, I spin around to face Trent and slap him as hard as I can across the face.

Dear Hazel (Diary Series #2) | ✔Where stories live. Discover now