♡ Hunter's Reply Entry #21 ♡

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Dedication: bookworms117 thank you for all your votes! :) Your support means a lot to me.

Reply Entry #21

Dear Hazel,

There are 100 sextillion stars in the universe that we can see? Wow, what you wrote is actually very insightful and makes me think about how much I overreact over the smallest things. You have a point you know. About how we - as humans - are tiny in the universe and worry over the smallest issues.

Really, everyone on this planet has at least one self-centered bone in their body. Whether that be big or small. We all have one. Maybe multiple.

Because, in the end, everyone thinks of themselves and how it affects them first and foremost. Even if we don't realise it we do it; we do.

Then I think of everyone who dies. Every baby that is born. Of how many people have been given life or have had it taken away. So many people die every second of every day.

And when you think of it in that point of view, it doesn't seem like that big of a deal. But every single person who dies has a family. A family who will cry, be angry, and grieve over their loss. They have friends who do the same and no longer have that person to laugh with. And maybe they have a partner, someone to kiss and hug. Someone who loved them with everything they have, only for that person to be taking from them forever.

Anyway, this is real depressing.

I don't really have much to say - write- regarding the whole 'Liam finding out you know and you telling him to tell Hunter' situation. Except that I agree with you and that he should just tell Hunter the truth. Because aren't best friends supposed to be there for each other and tell each other everything?

I guess that's not always the case though, is it?


Prince Charming xo

P.S. You shouldn't let Trent  pressure you into anything, Hazel! Even if it's 'just' him taking your shirt off. That's so out of line and I just wish you had enough self respect to say no.

That was deep. I forgot about my entry about stars. That's kind of embarrassing actually but Prince Charming didn't seem bothered.

The school bell rings, causing me to jolt before I shove the white notebook into my bag and make my way out of the abandoned part of school. Making a small stop at my locker before class, I grab my books and hold them to my chest as I shut the locker door. 

As I turn to go to class, I stop straight away when I notice Trent standing in front of me with a smirk plastered across his face.

"Well hey, Hazel, fancy seeing you here." He grins, reaching out his arms as if he's about to hug me. Before he can get any further with his intentions, I pull one of my hands away from my books to stop him, placing it on his broad chest.

"What do you think you're doing?" I raise both of my eyebrows, trying to figure out what his deal is. Assessing his face, I notice how genuine his smile looks.

But I've been hurt by him before and his smile doesn't mean anything to me anymore.

Hunter means everything to me now, not Trent.

"Look, I know I hurt you and I'm sorry, I really just want your forgiveness. Then maybe, we could be friends?" Trent's hazel eyes bore into mine with hope and I glance away in confusion.

"Why now? It's been months."

"Because I want to forgive myself but I can't until you forgive me. Please, Hazel, I am honestly sorry." He pleads, gazing down at me intently.

I close my eyes for a second, just thinking. Would it be such a bad thing to forgive him? Carrying such a grudge against him isn't healthy and it would be nice to not think about it so much anymore. He hasn't really bothered me since we broke up and at least he's trying.

Sighing, I open my eyes and start nodding, "Fine, I forgive you but being friends will take a bit more work. Friendship involves trust and I'm sorry but you broke that. I need to learn to trust you again if we're to be friends."

"That's fair. Thank you, Hazel." His grin spreads across his tanned face and he clasps his hands together, "Does that mean I can hug you now?"

I laugh quietly, shrugging my shoulders in submission, "If you must." Before I've even finished my reply, Trent comes at me, wrapping his arms around me.

The reflex to pull away hits me, but I ignore it and just wrap my arms around his waist. I pat his back awkwardly before releasing from the hug. 

"See, that wasn't so bad." He chuckles, smirking before throwing an arm over my shoulder.

"No, I guess not but take your freaking arm off of me." I say, elbowing him lightly in the ribs, and he removes his arm right away with a salute. "That's better."

"Sorry, it's practically an instinct." He smiles apologetically.

"I bet it is." Someone replies but it's not my mouth the words come out of.

* * *



I know this chapter is a bit short but yeah *shrugs* I hope you still like it :)

QOTC: Favourite Vegetable?

MA: Either potatoes or peas c:

- Chloe


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