Predestined - Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

We'd walked for quite some time and I was only vaguely aware we'd walked out of the administrations building and along a curved stone path. Julian walked slightly ahead of me and was carrying my suitcase in one hand with great ease. I could see from behind how taut his muscles were. I couldn't help but think that he really must do some serious gym time. He turned round and looked at me and it sort of startled me from my reverie. I picked up my pace a little and caught up to Julian just as we reached the dormitories. It seemed to loom over me like a tower. It had many floors. I wasn't entirely sure how many as the whole building just looked so immense. It was modern looking from the outside just like the administrations building was but a lot bigger. It was breathtaking and almost too much to take in all in one go. I took a deep breath and released it almost in a whistle.

'Wow.' Was all I could think to say... wow didn't even really seem to cover what lay before me.

'Here we are, you have your accommodation information?' Julian asked politely. I handed him the sheet of paper with my room information and he kind of tilted his head and mumbled something under his breath.

'What's wrong?' I asked curiously at his reaction to whatever he saw on the paper.

'Well Raven. You're in the witches enclave which is fine but it's the roommate that's bothering me' he replied as he whipped his mobile out of his pocket and began scrolling through his contacts list. He lifted the phone to his ear and waited patiently.

'Hello Lenora. I'm sorry to bother you but we're just about to go into the Dormitory and I noticed something odd about Ravens' room...' he paused and I could hear another voice on the other end, Julian spoke again 'I see, okay. Thank you Lenora. I'll explain. Is there any other alternative?' he asked and again there was a pause where I could hear the voice on the phone. 'Okay, I'll give Raven the choice. Thank you' he ended the call and looked at me with a gaze of consideration.

'What's wrong?'

'Well Raven. There's kind of a problem at the moment with housing in the witches' enclave. I've been told you have two choices... you can either stay in the witches enclave but you'll have a male roommate, or you can stay in either the vampire, fey or therianthrope enclaves with a female roommate.' He replied candidly.

'Oh. Well. I don't know. Ehm. You're my mentor, what would you suggest?' I asked Julian hoping for a solution to the problem.

'I can't really make the choice for you. I'd maybe advise against the vampire clave. They have different shifts of school than you and also some of them still have bloodlust problems. Other than that, therianthropes are shape shifters, fey are the faeries. I'm really not sure what to advise. The bonus of having a warlock as a roommate is that they may be able to help you with your magic studies. At the end of it all though it is your decision.' He replied as openly as he could.

I sighed. I knew I had to make a choice but I had no idea what to do.

'Will the warlock know he's getting a female roommate? Do any of them know they may be getting me as a roommate?' I looked straight into his eyes and asked.

'None of them know yet. No' he replied.

I looked down and just sighed. He really wasn't helping me make my decision.

'Can I meet them? Kind of give them the choice or the chance to say no?'

'Of course you can. Come on. Let's go to one of the common rooms and get you settled and I'll bring the possible roommates to you.' He spoke as he opened the doors. We stepped inside and it took me a moment for my eyes to adjust. We were in a Foyer. There was a flight of stairs leading straight up. I looked to Julian and he smiled at me.

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