Predestined - chapter 8

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Chapter 8.

Meep Meep Meep Meep... it went on and on. I woke gradually and groaned at the alarm blaring from my bedside table. I slammed my hand down to stop it and slowly slithered from between the toasty sheets. I glanced over the other side of the room to see that Candace too was slowly dragging herself out of her own bed. I almost cheered, It seemed as if she were also a non-morning loving person. I wasn't Sure i could put up with a bright and chirpy morning person. It just doesn't seem right. I wandered into the bathroom, freshened up quickly then returned to the bedroom to get dressed. Candace wandered in to freshen herself up whilst I got dressed. The dress was the epitamy of perfection. It looked amazing. I fastened the golden coloured cord around my waist with my dagger in the sheath, and then I donned the cloak over the top.

I looked like I belonged to another era. I couldn't help but smile goofily to myself in the mirror. I could imagine getting into a horse drawn carriage in this get up. It seemed a bit old fashioned but it suited me. I finished playing with my hair and peeked at the alarm clock. It was 8am. Seemed I was taking a while getting ready. I popped on the shoes from the night before. And glanced at Candace who was just dressed. She turned and looked me up and down appraisingly and nodded at me and threw me a choker. It was a brown velvet with a dangling smoky brown crystal hanging from it. I must admit. It looked tailor made for the whole look I was going for. I smiled and thanked her. I sat at my desk for a moment wondering what i could do for her since she'd been so helpful to me and it dawned on me - she loved shiny things. I closed my eyes and thought of nothing in particular but something shiny and pretty. I thought of nothing but returning some of what she'd shown me. My stomach felt tingly and i felt warm as if it was right what i was doing. I opened my eyes and in my hands i held a beautiful bracelt with multicoloured faceted crystals dangling from it. This time i felt no energy drain. Interesting. I walked over to Candace.

'Close your eyes and hold out your arm?' I asked. She did as i asked and i quickly fastened the bracelet and announced to open her eyes.

'Oh My Goddess. It's wonderful. Thank you Raven.' Candace sputtered as she threw herself at me for a full hug. We giggled and chatted for a while until there was a knock at the door. Candace rushed over and opened it to Julian. I hastily grabbed my laptop bag and my phone and headed out with him.


We passed the Canteen before anything else. Julian insisted. So i grabbed a croissant and a banana and we ate on the move. As we walked through the dorms to the exit a few people stopped and stared but I tried not to notice it. Today was going to be hell. Not only was I the new girl but I was the new girl with weird markings and powers before she should have them... great. I ate as Julian led the way. I was only vaguely aware of my surroundings. I knew I should of been paying attention more but there was so much going on. So much to think about. Like the weird attraction I felt towards Julian. And the way he was so protective of me. The whole powers thing and how I was special.

'Raven - everything okay?' Julian shocked me out of my thoughts and I nodded quickly. Realising that we were in front of the main school building. I shook my head slightly, It was just so archaic. I liked it, don't get me wrong, but I just thought it would look more modern like a normal school - as opposed to looking like a mansion turned into a school. It was enormous in size - grey stone and the windows were quite sizeable. Where we had stopped were a set of stairs - solid grey stone with fancy railings either side. The whole place reminded me of something from a fairy tale. Actually now thinking about it - it reminded me of a place in a Taylor Swift music video - except all grey and no red bricks. The love story song. Julian caught my attention with a brief hand movement and I slowly followed him up the steps. We entered the building through a grand set of wooden doors and were in a foyer - which may I add looked so beautiful, there was a grand staircase at one side and several hallways led from where we were - where I assumed classrooms would be. Maybe upstairs were classrooms aswell. I didn't know. Maybe I'd ask Candace later when classes were over for the day. I gazed around the foyer and was amazed to see some amazing artwork on the walls. They looked art gallery material. I couldn't help but to gawk at them, and before I knew what I was doing, I found myself slowly drifting towards one of the paintings. It portrayed a circle of scantily clad women, surrounding a large fire in the centre. A group of savage primal looking men seemed to watch over them from outside the circle, to protect them. Some of the women appeared to be dancing while some of them appeared to have their arms in the air, and where their arms were - you could see swirls of something shimmering and unexplainable floating between their hands. The shimmering mist or whatever it was - appeared to be all over the scene. It looked so mystical. I peered at the name of the painting - Life Ritual. I felt inexplicably drawn to it. My hand snaked out from behind my cloak as if to touch it - and Julian grabbed my wrist before I made contact with it. My skin tingled where he held me and my pulse fluttered. I gasped, startled out of my trance and my eyes rapidly flew to julian who was still holding my wrist in place mere inches above the canvas. I was almost about to ask him to let me go but my breath caught in my throat. He had a look in his face that made something inside me respond fiercely. It was a primal - almost dominant mask on his face. He growled low in his throat - and my pulse sped a little, My body thrummed with an array of sensations. Moments passed where I didn't dare move, when i heard the approach of someone else behind us.

'Interesting, very interesting.' Lenora spoke quietly behind us. My eyes flickered to her serene and curious face and back to Julian.

'Whats happening - something feels... different?' I asked so low I wasn't sure if she'd heard me. It appeared she had though as she replied after a few moments hesitation.

'Well Raven. It appears our seer's vision was correct. She foresaw your arrival to us here at the school, but she also saw that julian and you were soulmates to be. In our culture if the seer predicts a soulmate for another, we must ensure the 2 halves meet to become a whole. It's all very confusing but Julian is your destined soulmate. As soulmates, you'll both get an increase in personal powers. The way you feel for each other. The protectiveness. The unusual sensations when you touch... the way you feel drawn to one another. It's completely normal Raven.' Lenora spoke slowly. My mind turned that over for a moment and then realised all the odd feelings from him, when he shouted that booming command. Everything seemed to click.

My eyes widened as I looked to lenora then back to Julian. His face was beginning to relax and his grip on my wrist lightened. His thumb started feathering along my pulse on my wrist and I could feel my legs starting to tremble. My breathing became heavier. I couldn't believe i was reacting like this to him. He smiled a knowing smile at me and moved his hand down to hold mine.

'Usually this kind of reaction takes quite some time to occur. It generally starts with the males getting very dominant, and overprotective. The female tends to feel safer in the company of their soulmate and it tends to make them reliant upon the males, and obviously... the sensations - they seem un-natural. Normally the whole process takes months to a year or so. It seems you are indeed a very special case as you are progressing through the process at a much faster speed. It may seem too much, but we like to encourage the bond between soulmates. That is why Julian will be attending classes with you Raven. In fact I think you should spend most of your time together for the next few weeks. He can teach you a lot about the supernatural community and such. For the time being though you will stay in the fairy enclave with Candace. That might need to change though depending on how the bonding progresses. The more the couple bond, the less time they can spend without the company of the other. It's causes discomfort when you are away from each other for long times.' Lenora spoke.

Julian growled at the fact I'd be staying with Candace, and it sent a shockwave of pleasurable sensations along my spine and spanned out and gave me goosebumps.

'Julian - please take Raven to her first class.' Lenora requested gently.

Julians grip tightened on my hand slightly as he led me down a hallway, his thumb continuing the same destructive move along my pulse. My mind was spinning and spinning - I felt a little overwhelmed. Suddenly we stopped and julian moved me so my back was against a wall. His free hand lifted up and stroked gently against my cheek as he was whispering soothing things - that everything would be okay. I hadn't noticed, but some tears were running silently down my face. He then proceeded to pull me into his arms, and held me tightly while i fell apart in his safe embrace.

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