Predestined - Chapter 5

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Chapter 5.

I followed Candace up the stairs. We went past the 3rd floor which I assumed was the 2 other common rooms Julian mentioned, and up to the 4th floor. Instead of the stairs leading you into a large hallway like before, we arrived into a tiny foyer with a pair of doors that obviously led into the fey enclave. To the side of the door was a plaque that denoted the fact it was the fey enclave. The stairs curled back around and continued up to the rest of the enclaves but this was obviously my stop. I glanced to Candace who had turned herself to me to watch my reaction. It was the first time I'd really gotten a good look at her. She was slightly taller than me, and was very petite. She had long curly golden blonde hair; it looked as though she'd melted gold down and made curls from it. Her hair looked so sleek and liquid. Her face was perfection, seemed every paranormal was beautiful. She was wearing the most beautiful dress. It was pale green in colour and came down to just above her knees. It clung perfectly to her body and seemed to flow from her hips down. It was lacy and seemed to almost glow. It was a beautiful work of art. I smiled timidly and tried not to let the fear and worry of staying here show on my face. I couldn't help but think that maybe I should have chosen to stay in the witch enclave with Ash. It would have been weird but at least I wouldn't have to worry if I'd be accepted or not. On that thought I got a small stomach twinge as if to say that staying with Ash would not have been wise. Candace opened her mouth as if to say something then seemed to think better of it and turned to open the door for me.

I stepped through and was stunned by the beauty of the hallways. The Foyer we just came out of had been drab and dull and colourless whereas where I stood now radiated beauty and seemed to sparkle with life. The walls colours seemed to constantly change from blue to purple to green to orange. It was amazing. I'm pretty sure I stood there a good 10 seconds with my mouth open like a fish. Candace was stood beside me and smiled at my reaction. She even went so far as to clap her hands again in excitement.

'I knew you'd love it here' she said full of certainty.

'It's wonderful. I've never seen anything like this. It's so beautiful. It seems to sparkle and radiate different colours.' I replied honestly.

She started off down the hallway and I hurried to catch up with her. We turned a few corners and she stopped in front of a door. I looked at the door and around the frame for any sort of number but couldn't find anything. I grimaced slightly in confusion. How would I know this door from any other?

'Look at the door closer. It's barely noticeable but there is something that distinguishes it from the others.' Candace spoke gently.

I strained my eyes a little and tried to look at the door a little harder and then as if it was one of those illusion pictures a number seemed to appear on the door - it was engraved into the wood. Room 4-22. Easy enough I guess. I made a mental note and knew I would need to write it down later.

'How was it I couldn't see that before?' I asked feeling incredibly curious. I was sure it wasn't there before.

'Most of the room numbers are hidden by glamour. It's a form of magic - it can hide or change the appearance of an object or a person to other people. A lot of us do it for privacy. All you need to do is really focus your mind and you should be able to see right through the glamour. Eventually you'll even learn to do glamour yourself.'

She proceeded to open the door and skip into the room. She gracefully whirled around to watch my reaction as I took in the room. I thought the hallway was amazing, but it didn't compare to the beauty of our room. The walls seemed to gleam various shades of green, from very pale to very deep greens. The colour seemed to shimmer almost as if there were crushed precious gems in the walls. The light seemed to reflect off the wall and radiate rainbow prisms of light across the light cream carpet. Yet again I was awestruck. It was amazing. I glanced to Candace and smiled as I walked fully into the room and gently closed the door behind me. There were 2 rather large beds in the room. There were closets to either side of the room, and in between the two beds was a doorway which I believed was a bathroom. I looked around and saw 2 good sized desks, one of which had a laptop and some file folders on it. I guess that desk belonged to Candace. It seemed as if the left side of the room was where Candace slept so I took the bed on the right. I popped my suitcase on the bed and took my backpack off, then proceeded to sit on the bed. Candace sat on her bed and faced me.

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