Predestined - Chapter 9

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Chapter 9.

The day passed in a blur. Stumbling from one class to another. My mind was on overload. I took notes using the laptop but have to say that i didn't seem to absorb anything that was in the lectures. My mind couldn't stop thinking about what Lenora had enlightened me with - that it was foreseen that Julian and I were to be soulmates. My mind wanted to reject it. Not that I didn't like Julian... I probably liked him more than i should have at this point. But I wasn't sure that I could be with him like that. I mean... I wouldn't know if he liked me for me or just for the fact he was being drawn to me by some sort of chemistry. It was lunch now so the first two classes were over. I had two more to complete before the day was over. I was sat at a table in the schools canteen with Julian, Candace and some of her friends. I could hear the chatter over the humming activity within the hall but my mind wasn't following it. I was staring at the plate of food in front of me slowly pushing my food back and forth with my fork. My vision started to waver and slowly it dimmed to darkness. I gasped as an image appeared to materialise before me. It was the messenger from the first dream I'd had 2 nights ago. Yet again she was veiled in shadows. Not much was descernable but I knew it was her. I just sensed it. I felt someones hand touch my arm and a tingle of awareness bolted up my arm - it was Julian. I lifted my head and heard gasps from the table. I couldn't see anyone. I could Just hear them distantly.

'Raven. You are in danger. I know everything is happening so fast and is so overwhelming but you must listen. Something is coming. Something bad. The school will have company soon - and there are traitors in our midst. You must be on high alert at all times. Never be alone. You are important to us Raven and we will protect you as best we can but you must not take un-necessary risks. Tell only Lenora, Julian and Candace of my message and ensure you have their oath of secrecy on this matter. Gather them in an hour and I shall come back to you to relay a message to them through you. I must ensure that I recieve their oaths and explain the magnitude. I can temporarily use you as a vessel. It will not hurt, it will be as though you are yourself except someone else is speaking and moving for you. I need your permission in this as I cannot and will not do this against your will. You need not say aloud what you want me to hear. Just think your answer to me Raven.'

I give my permission. I'll gather them together in an hour from now for you.

'Good Raven. An hour. Stay safe and blessed be.'

With that said the image of the messenger began to dissipate slowly like a veil of smoke clearing before my eyes. As my vision returned I gazed into the faces of the entire canteen. I was horrified. Candace looked geniunely concerned and Julian was kneeling beside me cupping both my hands in his. Relief clear on his face as he realised that whatever happened was over.

'Can you stand baby?' Julian whispered in my ear.

I nodded slowly and with his help I stood slowly and he began to lead me out of the room. Candace followed behind us and we exited the canteen. Julian guided us to an empty study hall and lowered me into a chair. He looked at me for a few moments and then explained what everyone saw. Apparently my eyes completely transformed into what appeared to be molten silver. Like mirrors but liquid. Also he explained how my hair rustled as though there was a breeze circling me. Even though there wasn't. I explained that I needed to see Lenora and both of them together. He whipped his phone out. Explained to Lenora that "something" had happened and that I needed to see them all together. Candace and Julian helped me along and we went to Lenora's office. When we were all together Julian explained what had happened to me and I was questioned as to what happened. It was then that the messenger took over. I knew it from the gasp from Candace and the shock on Julians face. Lenora, as usual looked mildy interested and extremely curious.

'I need your oath that what is spoken within this room, will not be shared with anyone else. It is of the utmost importance.'

There was a chorus of I give you my oath by the power of the goddess that what is said will not leave this room.

'The school is in danger. You have traitors in your midst and you have company coming. Raven is in extreme danger and must be protected at all costs.' The messenger spoke using my body. My voice had a different feel to it. It was obvious on there faces that they acknowledged it wasn't actually me speaking.

'Raven is in no danger of me. I asked her for permission before i entered her as a vessel. She gave it willingly. You must heed my warnings. You must beware who you trust. And you must ensure Ravens safety. The goddess demands her protection. I will leave Raven now but know I can be called upon by Raven if you shall need to meet again. She knows how.' the messenger spoke with a ring of finality in her voice. And it dawned on me I did know how to call upon her. But I wasn't sure how. I was given control back as the messenger left my body.

Julian crouched beside me, took my hand and sniffed gently near my face and growled sinisterly. A shudder worked it's way up my back and goosebumps errupted all over my body. i lifted my free hand and gently stroked his cheek and leant my forehead against his.

Lenora cleared her throat gently at the display and I blushed profusely and tried to pull away but Julian stopped me with another growl. Do not be ashamed at what is between us baby. I heard him whisper through my head. I felt something instinctively respond within me, feeling horrible that i gave him the impression of shame of what was between us... which to be fair I didn't understand myself.

'Raven must move in with me. I cannot and will not bear her being elsewhere when this threat has now come to our attention. She needs protection and by the Goddess she will have it. I will keep her safe Lenora. You know I can' Julian spoke in a low threatening baritone.

Lenora seemed to mull it over for some time and shook her head. Julian cursed beside me and growled again.

'I agree you need to protect her but I disagree about her moving into your room. You need to stay together but your room is not safe enough. Also I wish Candace to take part in the protection. She was revealed the truth here with us for a reason. She has a role to play in the grand scheme. Let me think, let me think.' Lenora spoke surely and trailed off in thought.

'Hmmm. You will all be required to vacate your rooms and move into the Sanctuary beneath the dormiciles. It is under the ground. and is accessible only via a lift using a hand-print scanner. We will need to program your prints into it but that is easily done. There is plenty of rooms down there. I advise you and Raven share a room, and I suggest Candace occupy a nearby room. Maybe over the hall from you. There is currently no-one residing down there so no-one will know. The lift exits out into a cleaning closet. No student goes there so no-one should see you come and go.' Lenora spoke exultantly.

Julian sighed a breath of relief and smiled at me gently with incredible warmth and an added level of heat there that made me catch my breath. She said we'd share a room. Crap. I've never had a boyfriend let alone lived in the same room as one. My breath quickened slightly and he noticed. Gently taking my hand in his and slowly, destructively stroked the back of my hand. I started to relax and could feel my heart rate calm. Yet that wasn't what my mind was thinking about. If thats what he could do just holding my hand..... well. What else could he do?

'We'll go now. I'll program your prints in and then you will go down there for the rest of the day. Raven and Candace. You're excused from classes for the moment until further notice. I will personally come down into the sanctuary to teach you both. Some of your classes are similar so it shall be an easy feat. Julian. You will stay with them. Protect them both. I will ensure that the fridges and such down there are stocked up. Go now. By the time you reach the lift your prints will be in. each of you please put your right hand palm down just here' Lenora pointed to a handprint scanner. We each did it in turn and she tapped a few keys on the nearby computer.

'You're all authorized access now. Go and I'll see to it all of your belongings are brought down. Go now. All neccessaties are already there. The sanctuary is actually quite luxurious. I feel it won't be too much a hardship to be tucked away in such a manner.' Lenora spoke with amusement. She waved us to the door and we went - sanctuary bound.

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