Predestined - Chapter 10

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Chapter 10.

We hurriedly moved towards the janitors closet and each in turn pressed our hand against the print scanner. The lift doors opened and we stepped in. Julian threaded his fingers with mine as we stood quietly on the descent into the sanctuary. Candace was stood to the side slightly fidgeting and I felt really bad. I'd effectively taken away all her friends. We were... isolated. I lightly squeezed Julians hand and let go to slightly move towards Candace.

'I'm sorry.' I spoke quietly to her.

She turned her head and glanced at me questioningly.

'I feel bad. I've kind of isolated you from your friends.' I replied to the unasked question.

'Don't. We're still getting lessons and hey, Lenora didn't say we couldn't text friends. We just need to find out what reason she's giving people that we are absent from the school. Once we know that I can text to my hearts content. And I have you. I imagine soon We're going to have more people down here anyhow if something big is gonna hit the fan.' She answered in a chirpy manner.

It was at this point the lift stopped. We'd been slowly descending for an eternity, or so it had seemed. I couldn't help but wonder how vast sanctuary was. The doors opened to reveal a dazzlingly bright hallway. It was completely white - and seemed to have a luminescent glow to it. It seemed as though the wall itself was the light source. As we shuffled out of the elevator I looked up and to my complete and utter amazement - I saw what looked like clouds sprinkled with opalescent glitter. It was astounding. I felt Julians hand slowly grasp mine and we linked fingers again. His hand was suprisingly warm and soft. The elevator doors behind us closed with a low hiss sound. I looked at the walls and frowned. I couldn't see any doors.

'Glamour.' Candace whispered in my ear.

'A good one at that. Even I'm struggling and we have a natural ability to see through glamour.' Candace mumbled again. She walked towards the wall and put her hand against it. Suddenly I saw a hand print scanner become partially visible around her hand. I approached and placed my hand in the exact same location and Julian followed suit. Gradually a portion of the wall sunk in and slid to the left - leaving a small opening for which to walk through. Julian took a step forward, his stance agressive and ready for action, then he sniffed the air several times. Me and Candace waited patiently, when all of a sudden his posture completely relaxed.

'It's safe.' He proclaimed then went through the open doorway.

Me and Candace followed cautiously and as we passed the threshold the door slowly slid back into position behind us and sealed with a small click. My eyes struggled to adjust to the slightly dimmer lighting. But when they did I was struck with awe.

'Oh my god!' I exclaimed.

We'd stepped into what appeared to be a grand lounge. The size of the room was absoloutely immense. There were seating arrangements scattered in different parts of the room. One wall of the room was floor to ceiling bookcases and it had one of those grand ladders that swung along held on by rails. There were several televisions set up with different equipment: PS3's, wii's, X-box 360's, and there were a few set up with Blu-ray and DVD players.

We all looked around at the extravagant surroundings like children in a toy store. Touching things as we walked by. Gradually we investigated room by room, there was a large dining room with enough seating for at least 80 people. Maybe more. I'm no good at guessing. One of the side walls had a sliding panel that opened into another dining room of equal size. Seating for up to 160 people. Amazing. Not far from the elaborate dining room was a modern state of the art kitchen. It had a great number of stoves, Several giant fridge/freezers, microwaves, dishwasher and all sorts of other appliances. I felt as though I'd won the lottery. I felt almost giddy at the prospect of living in such complete and unadulterated luxury.

We went to pick out bedrooms next. Julian grasped my hand lightly and led me along a corridor. Candace tagged along behind us. The walls themselves were decorated elaborately with amazing patterns. The lines almost seemed to be raised from the surface of the wall. I ignored it for the time being. I had a lot of time to study my surroundings more. To be honest I was starting to feel quite tired.

Julian nudged open a door and poked his head in briefly. When he turned to face me his facial expression was one of amazement.

'I think this room would be perfect for us.' He spoke non-chalantly.

I shivered at the use of the word us. We'd be sharing a room. My body reacted fiercely to just small touches and I'd never slept in the same room let alone same bed as another guy before. I really wasn't sure I could. Julian noticed my shiver and looked at me for a moment considering then looked triumphant when he'd obviously figured out what was wrong.

'Lets just take a look Raven. Candace... Wanna check the room out opposite this one?' Julian questioned.

Candace disappeared through the door opposite the room Julian wanted, and I was slowly led forwards til I was completely inside. I was a bit resistant to go into the bedroom with him but he finally got me all the way in and closed the door gently behind us with a snick. Shivers erupted all over my body and Julian wrapped his arms around me from behind, at the same time he lowered his mouth to my ear and whispered calming things to me.

'Raven honey. Please don't be scared. I won't hurt you. You know that baby. I could never hurt you.'

'But I've never... been... I've never been with anyone.' I whispered back quietly trying to hold my panic and emotions in check.

'Good. You were meant for me Raven and I was meant for you. Now... What do you think of our room?'

I slowly began to take in the room. It was magnifiscent. It was a deep maroon colour that resembled garnets. And it shone too. It looked wonderful. The bed was enormous. It looked big enough for 4 people let alone 2. It was a 4 poster and had elaborate velvet curtains hanging from the framework. The bedspread was beautiful. All deep red. Over the far side of the room there was a bathroom. I could see from where I was stood a jacuzzi set in to the floor so the workings and sides were beneath the surface of the ground. I could also see a giant walk in show with multi-heads.

It all seemed too much. It looked as if it were for royalty. It seemed as if Julian had chosen this, and I didn't want to hurt his feelings. So I said the only thing I could.

'I love it Julian.'

And with that he lowered his face to my shoulder and held me tight in his safe embrace. In 'our' room.

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