Predestined - Chapter 8.5

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Chapter 8.5

Okay. So I knew I had feelings for him. An unexplainable attraction drawing me to him like a moth to the flame but I didn't for one moment think that it could be anything as unbelievable as a soulmate bond. I was predestined to be his mate? Just doesn't sound real - does it? How could I be so attracted to someone I knew so little about? Confusion and disbelief seemed to be rioting through me. I'd noticed how he was acting quite protective and caring towards me... It was unusual considering we'd only known each other for a day. But then if it was meant to be and some sort of bond like a chemical reaction... then I guess it could occur that quickly. How embarassing that I fell apart in his arms. But it felt so safe and right. How could he be so... accepting of the whole situation. Suddenly I remembered the dream from the night before. Seeing Julian talking to Lenora... about an attraction. How he couldn't control his feelings for someone. How he didn't know wether she had feelings for him. I also remembered gasping and them both looking at where I was stood as if the sensed my presence. So the dream was most likely real. Interesting. I wondered if it was a manifestation of new powers or if it may have just been what someone thought I should see. A warm tingly feeling invaded my stomach at the latter possibility suggesting that was the right choice. So the goddess wanted me to see that conversation with Lenora. I guess maybe to show I'm not the only one struggling with these new and foreign feelings for a person I've just met. I'm not sure how long I'd been so deep in thought, but sound began penetrating through the fog in my mind, the teacher had called upon me to answer a question he'd just asked, it snapped me out of my reverie. Everyone in the class was angled towards me expectantly. Color began creeping up my face and I was mortified. I'd been asked a question but I hadn't even been listening. The teacher tilted his head to the side in an animalistic type way almost as if he were eying up his prey.

'I'm sorry Mr Ivanski. Could you please repeat the question?' I asked timidly - humiliated that I wasn't paying attention.

I could feel Julian beside me watching me, I slowly turned my head to look at him when the teacher began again.

'I asked for you to introduce yourself to the class please Raven. You'll be seeing these people every morning for the next 4 years since this is the homeroom group you've been placed in. Every other class you have will change who you see year to year. This is the only constant class you shall have.' He rumbled back in a deep baritone coloured by his russian accent.

I took a deep breath and introduced myself to the entire class. Their eyes all focussed on me was making me uneasy. I've never been a good public speaker and I didn't think that the transition was going to change it any time soon. Just a confidence thing I guess. Then again - I guess no-one likes to really speak publicly. As my discomfort and embarassment climbed to a horrific peak I felt Julian slowly lay his hand on my leg beneath the table so no-one could see. It seemed to help ground me and as I finished introducing myself with trivial facts such as where I was from, what I liked to do, what I was and I finished with a small, tight smile and took my seat again. It was - as usual - humiliating to be speaking in front of a class. Made worse by the matter of my markings. Julians hand remained on my leg. I don't think he'd realised that I'd taken my seat. He seemed very distant.

My eyes slowly drifted to watch Julian and I found myself staring. He seemed to be miles away, deep in thought. My heart melted as I watched him. I felt so much for him it was unreal. I wanted to fight it, and I probably would keep fighting it. But it was hard. It was though I could feel strands holding our souls together. Loose threads that would eventually thicken and hold us together for eternity. I was startled out of my train of thought when his head snapped up and his eyes met mine. I could swear he was looking into my soul with that penetrating gaze. Before either of us had a chance to say anything, everyone began to stand up to go to their next class. We followed everyones example, I grabbed my bag and off we went to 'Magic myths and lore.'

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