Predestined - Chapter 11

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Chapter 11.

Julian held me, gently tucked against his tightly muscled abdomen. He held me like that for quite some time. I wasn't aware of time, I just felt incredibly safe and right in his arms. I'll admit it, I'm still worried about what the implications of us sharing a room would be - I mean - would he expect 'it' from me? I'd never been with anyone so I was pretty much petrified of the idea. Even more petrified that what was between us was preordained. I mean... was the only reason we reacted to each other because of a chemistry between soulmates? If so how would I know if he really did like me for me as opposed to just a chemical reaction. I was so deep in thought that it took Julian several tries to break me out of my intellections. When he got my attention I realised his phone was ringing. He was trying to loosen his grip on me but I was holding his arms around me rather tightly. I hadn't noticed. I released him and he took a marginal step backwards, reaching into his jacket pocket to answer his mobile. He glanced at the caller ID and spoke absent mindedly that it was Lenora.


All I could hear was muffled conversation through the phone. I watched Julians face carefully trying to see if I could figure out if the call was good, or bad. His facial expression didn't change overly so by the time the chatter had stopped and Julian began to reply I was still none the wiser.

'Okay. We'll be in the lounge in a few moments.'

With that he disconnected the call and slid the phone back into his pocket. We gazed into each others eyes for a few moments and it was as though I could see his soul. His gaze drew me to him. Without realising it I'd actually moved forward several steps and was literally only a fraction of a breath from him. Staring up into his eyes, as he gazed back. He slowly lifted his hand and caressed my cheek with a feather light touch. My eyes slowly drifted shut and I pulled my lower lip between my teeth slightly. Foreign sensations flooded my body, I felt myself lean into him and his free hand slid past my face and gently cupped the back of my head tilting my face upwards. I opened my eyes and watched as his face slowly descended, I was barely breathing, anticipating his lips upon mine. The kiss was gentle yet at the same time almost desperate. He lightly ran his tongue along my lower lip and nibbled until I gave him access to my mouth. Our tongues dueled for superiority, sensations rioted through my body. My breathing became harsh and ragged, as did his. The hand that was on my cheek drifted down to my collar bone and lowered further until it brushed the side of my breast. My breath caught in my throat as pleasure suffused me. His hand continued gliding down further until it lay lightly on my hip, and snaked along to the lower part of my back. He pulled me tighter against him and slowly rubbed against me. I gasped at the sensations engulfing me and broke away from the kiss as my back arched my torso closer to his. My breasts rasping against his chest, causing me to buck slightly. He lowered his head slowly and began slowly and gently kissing my neck as I moaned out in delight. He began grinding against me and I couldn't help but feel how happy he was to be kissing me. I shuddered and goosebumps broke out over my skin. Realisation struck me like a freight train. What was I doing. This was my first kiss, I'd only known Julian for a matter of days and what? I was almost begging him to screw me. I started to pull away in panic of what was going to happen. His hands stiffened effectively trapping me. I began to hyperventilate and I was whispering for him to please let me go. A tear ran down my face and I started to struggle harder. I was barely aware, but Julian was shh-ing me and trying to calm me - telling me it was all okay and only natural. Not to panic. My breathing began to regulate and tears rolled down my face. I couldn't help but think I was a complete slut for wanting him so badly after a kiss and some well placed touches. I knew I'd have to ask someone about this soulmate stuff. Obviously this was common place amongst the supernatural community. I let Julian pull me into his arms and he lightly stroked his hand up and down my back.

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