10 Self-Publishing Resources That Saved My Life

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Yep, it's time for another top ten post from me!

When it comes to success stories, some people are unwilling to share their methods

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When it comes to success stories, some people are unwilling to share their methods. Maybe they find it a little threatening and are trying to limit the competition or whatever - I don't really get it.  But I wanted to share with you guys some amazing FREE resources that I used to help make my self-publishing journey a million times easier. Some of these programs literally did all the work for me and I couldn't recommend them enough to any writer out there. 

Here are 10 programs every writer and aspiring self-publisher needs to check out!

Here are 10 programs every writer and aspiring self-publisher needs to check out!

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1. Reedsy

When it comes to writing books on Wattpad or in a word document, the writing comes out with all the sentences lined up together. When you open an actual physical book, you'll notice the writing doesn't look like that. There are line indents whenever a character speaks or a new paragraph begins. Some authors go through their entire word documents making every single indent change themselves or pay someone else to do it. But for those of us who are looking for a better option, I'd 100% recommend you go on reedsy.com . This site saved my life!  It completely formats your book for you FOR FREE. All you have to do is copy and paste your writing into it or you can even write your book in there and it will format for you as you go! And then afterward, it even converts your book into whatever format you want (epub, mobi, or PDF) . This site is a total game changer. It's easy to navigate and it even makes your contents page for you! Can I get a hallelujah up in here?!?

 It's easy to navigate and it even makes your contents page for you! Can I get a hallelujah up in here?!?

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