How to Write Strong Disabled Characters

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A 3 Point Guide to Writing Strong Female Disabled Characters.

A disabled character is just like any other character. So why do so many writers struggle with writing a disabled character well?

The words strong and disabled don't usually go together in literature, but I'm here to tell you that it is possible, and a lot easier than you perhaps first thought

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The words strong and disabled don't usually go together in literature, but I'm here to tell you that it is possible, and a lot easier than you perhaps first thought.

The 'Centers for disease control and prevention' estimate that 1/5 of USA adults are living with a disability. That is the largest minority group in the USA! So imagine the reader potential you could gain by representing a disabled character in a realistic and powerful way.

I can't speak for others, but as someone who has a disability, books that include characters with disabilities I am instantly drawn to. But I have a few major TURN OFFS.

In the following guide, I hope to inform you about the what to do and what not to do when writing my favorite type of character- a strong female who also happens to be disabled.

In the following guide, I hope to inform you about the what to do and what not to do when writing my favorite type of character- a strong female who also happens to be disabled

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1. Write realistically!

My number one pet hate are the disabled characters who are only disabled. That's it. That is their whole identity. Just like any one, being disabled is only a small part of a large and often complex personality.

Give your character quirks, depth, a personality that goes further than a wheelchair or pill bottle when it comes to her disability, and more depth than a Barbie Doll when it comes to her femininity.

Give your character quirks, depth, a personality that goes further than a wheelchair or pill bottle when it comes to her disability, and more depth than a Barbie Doll when it comes to her femininity

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