Feature Article: #Powerful

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Female characters have been around for a very long time, although the way people see them has changed greatly. In the past, women used to have little time being portrayed as independent or able to fend for themselves. This is because in history, women have always been placed in the role of housekeeper and wife. Therefore, it was hard to find a hint of any strong main female characters in any story lines. Today, fortunately, things are somewhat different. Although there are still many struggles that women face for being female, more and more strong female characters can be seen in stories. From Rey in Star Wars to Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games, strong women are completely killing it in the fictional universe. But what really makes a strong female character? And why is it so important that we have them? First, let's address the former question. 

How does an author write a good female character? 

Usually, they have to start by focusing on what traits compose these kinds of people. Most of the time, they are brave, selfless, and willing to do whatever it takes to reach their goal. If somebody is in danger, they are willing to help them. They're independent and don't need anyone but themselves to survive. For example, Hermoine Granger from Harry Potter can easily handle herself and is referred to as the greatest witch of her generation. Although she is always with Harry and Ron, she doesn't depend on them.

 Although she is always with Harry and Ron, she doesn't depend on them

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Another aforementioned example is Katniss Everdeen. In The Hunger Games, she is a strong character who doesn't let anything stop her from succeeding. She knows how to fight with both a bow and arrow and her fists, and uses her strength and determination to survive. She is the epitome of strong female characters with her ability to get past anything in her way. She even becomes the symbol of a revolution, leading a rebellion against her Capitol.

These characters are extremely important in writing today because they help prove stereotypes of women wrong

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These characters are extremely important in writing today because they help prove stereotypes of women wrong. There are many stereotypes that paint women as weaker than men. Having strong female characters in stories fights these stereotypes that make women seem like the weaker sex. This is especially important right now, with how even in a modern society, sexism still exists. There are many people fighting against it, for example, Rowan Blanchard and Emma Watson. Both are constantly speaking out against sexist parts of our world, that most other people don't like to speak out against. Rowan has a very important platform by being a Disney Channel star. She has the ability to reach the millions of girls who watch her show and uses that advantage to remind them of their self-worth and beauty. 

One of the larger issues that has existed for a long time in this world is how women are seen as dependent and weak

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One of the larger issues that has existed for a long time in this world is how women are seen as dependent and weak. We need these female characters to show that women do not need men to survive, and can fight for themselves, unlike the old ideas of women just being damsels in distress.

 We need these female characters to show that women do not need men to survive, and can fight for themselves, unlike the old ideas of women just being damsels in distress

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Strong female characters are important today because of how they break through old ideas and allow room for new ones. They beat the common story line of women just being side characters in need of saving, and show another side of women. From real life strong women like Rowan Blanchard, to fictional such as Rey, these people are changing the way society looks at women. 

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