Ask Yash

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1. How can I create a cover that will really catch the reader's eye?

With covers, remember less is usually more. You need to have one main focus and then the title of your book and the author name in a font and color that contrasts the picture so they stand out. You don't want people to struggle to read your title! 

For the background, overall try to keep it simple. Don't choose a 'busy' background. When choosing your pictures, remember that the picture quality needs to be excellent (Tumblr and We Heart It are a few of my favorites for grabbing images). Your cover is the first thing that a reader will see so often the quality of your cover represents the quality of your work.

Covers that are messy and blurry can be a pet peeve of many readers on this site. While your story might be great, if your cover isn't, it could potentially stop you from getting reads.

There are some amazing graphic designers in the 'Multimedia Club' forum on Wattpad that can make you an awesome cover! Just fill out their forms, discuss with them what you're looking for and don't forget to credit them for taking the time to make you an awesome cover! 

2. How can I publicize my novel if I can't/don't want to get social media such as Twitter and Instagram?

If you're not big on social media, my advice would be to speak to others! Word of mouth is always a great method. Tell all your friends and family about your work and ask them to review it for you. This gives you reads and allows you to use their reviews as constructive criticism. Also once they read your work, they can recommend it to their friends!

But if you're not ready to share your works with people you actually know, there are other options. If you don't have social media, use Wattpad. Wattpad has many cool features in which you can reach followers and potential readers. There are forums where you can promote your stories (Just head over to the clubs, find your book genre and you should see a pinned thread where you can advertise your stories).  You can also go to the beta reader thread and ask somebody to read your entire book if it's completed. That way you can get advice on what the person liked in your story, and what they think needs improvement. 

There are millions of Wattpad users who are always looking for something to read! Check out some of their stories and politely ask them if they'd be interested in reading yours. (Never advertise your story in the comment section of someone else's story. It's considered very rude.) Just privately message a few people. Search for people who specifically don't mind reading requests (they'll usually say it in their bios) otherwise a lot of people might not reply to you or be interested. Unsolicited reading requests often don't work - unless you do them correctly. 


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WATTMAG Issue #3Where stories live. Discover now