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—10:02 AM KST

SEOKJIN : [ opens door for yoongi, and smiles ] hello, yoongi. it's been a while.

YOONGI : certainly has been. [ a little out of breath, sets car keys on the counter and a backpack on the ground ] i don't know if this sounds immature at all, but do you have anything i can eat?

SEOKJIN : yes, of course. i was just now cooking some curry for myself. would you like some?

YOONGI : [ immediately sits down at the dining table ] yes, please.

SEOKJIN : hey, are you okay? you look a little...pale. [ sets down a glass of water for yoongi ] here, drink. i'll have the rice and curry out for you in a sec.

YOONGI : t-thank you. i'm just really...um...never mind. [ drinks water ] seokjin, would you believe what i said, no matter how...bizzare it may sound?

SEOKJIN : sure, as long as it's at least a little plausible. what's wrong?

YOONGI : i have a stalker on my heels, seokjin. a stalker who is pretending to be me. it's scaring me, so, so, much.

SEOKJIN : how so? [ sets down a plate of rice and curry in front of yoongi, along with cleaned silverware ] don't hurry yourself, you might choke.

YOONGI : okay, um, so, have you seen the news recently? with the murders and all?

SEOKJIN : [ freezes, cautiously looks up at yoongi ] yes...? um, don't tell me i'm harboring a fugitive—

YOONGI : shut up, i didn't kill anyone.

SEOKJIN : then why does that matter?

YOONGI : [ pulls out his phone after taking a spoonful of rice and pulls up his texts ] look.

SEOKJIN : [ takes yoongi's phone, scrolls through texts ] oh...

? : [ from the second bedroom ] seokjin?

YOONGI : [ freezes ] seokjin, who is that?

SEOKJIN : oh, you know him.

YOONGI : [ raises up a questioning brow ] i do? hm, i guess i do.

SEOKJIN : even if you don't, i'm sure you'll like him.

? : seokjin, who is that? do i need to dress nicely? is that a guest?

SEOKJIN : jeongguk, it's just yoongi. you can come out.

YOONGI : i didn't know you had a roommate.

JEONGGUK : [ comes out of the bedroom, dressed in an oversized shirt and pyjama pants ] oh, hello! you must be yoongi. seokjin told me a lot about you.

YOONGI : [ waves at jeongguk, looks back at seokjin ] you did?

SEOKJIN : i guess i did. after all, we've known each other since high school. jeongguk and i talk a lot.

YOONGI : why is he here, though?

JEONGGUK : don't talk like i'm not here, stop treating me like i'm invisible. [ pouts ]

SEOKJIN : jeongguk is an old friend of mine. we're family friends. he's staying here for the time being due to family and monetary problems.

YOONGI : [ eyes jeongguk momentarily ] you seem kind of familiar...i guess.

JEONGGUK : [ slightly exasperated ] we've met before. don't you remember?

SEOKJIN : you have?

JEONGGUK : [ smiles ] yes, of course! we met years ago. you lived in this neighborhood for a while, right?

YOONGI : yes, i have.

JEONGGUK : [ laughs ] you were pretty famous in our middle school and high school. you were in that gang group, weren't you? and in high school, you performed a couple of raps with...who was it...namjoon? he was two years younger, i think? in our school's talent shows and stuff like that. and we met then. pleasure to see you again.

YOONGI : [ blinks rapidly before breaking out into a smile ] oh...yeah, i do remember now. you were that tiny kid that came up to me after my performance, weren't you? you've grown.

JEONGGUK : [ smiles widely ] thank you. don't take offense, but i was surprised that namjoon became famous and you didn't. i was certain that you'd become a famous rapper. you certainly deserve it.

YOONGI : [ in a joking manner ] i'm telling namjoon. but thanks, i'm flattered.

JEONGGUK : [ grins ] i take that back.

SEOKJIN : glad to see we are getting along, then. here, yoongi, you can sleep in my room. i'll sleep on the couch. i'll take the bowl if you're done.

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