
74 13 28


Olivia's POV

Surprise, surprise. He chased me.

Today was not my lucky day. I was always a fast runner but when you're being chased by a guy who just kidnapped a friend, or future friend, anyone can be a fast runner.

His steps thudded against the pavement and my quickened heartbeat synced with each thud.

Thump Thump


Thump thump


And it sure was not helping with my nervousness. Looking around me I try to recognize where I am, and it hits me. I haven't been down this street in forever but I remember a little alley that's covered by a dumpster and he won't be able to see me if I hide there, hopefully.

I turn left down the street and speed up trying to at least get a little distance between ourselves. As soon as I turn left I make another turn down the small dark alleyway behind the dumpster and bend down. I look between the dumpster and the wall to see if he's gone. I guess life has decided to give me a break because I heard him groan and start running towards the street thinking he would find me. A sigh of relief left my lips and just when I was actually about to smile, it started raining.


Droplets of water slid down from my forehead, I loved how the rain could calm me down even though I was soaked from head to toe and freezing, I still loved it. Because it showed that even the sky can cry sometimes. And if it was feeling vengeful then thunder would happen.

The sky started grumbling looking for its next pray, and it looked like I was it. Not that I cared anyway, I would love for it to take me as its pray, maybe I would be finished with this horrid life but suddenly something comes to my mind.

Never give up my sweet Livvy, you will face so many things in life but the key to the door of your happiness is to push through that door and keep fighting. And never wait for someone to hand the key over to you, you never know maybe someone will help you push through that door.

She would always tell me this when I was sad from the teasing at school, looking back to when she would tuck me into bed and when she would tell me those words after every bedtime story.

But this wasn't the time to reminisce about the depressing part of my life when Xavier just got kidnapped, I needed to figure out what to do. I needed to call the police, I needed to tell them what happened so they can find him. As I take my phone out of my pocket, I realize my phone needs charge and that I needs to get home quick. There was nothing I could do until I got home. And that realization, I don't know why, brought me to tears.

Looking around me, it registered in my mind that I looked like an idiot standing in the rain crying, and I start walking faster, not that I was scared he would come back because he was long gone, but because I looked down at my watch and it was way past 10 I didn't want to get my ass beat. Crossing the street, I hear something clatter to the sidewalk, I squint to see what I dropped and see that it was my little phone, as I bend down to grab the phone I feel a body bump into me and we both tumble to the floor with the phone clutched in my hand.

I hear a groan under me and then it starts talking.

"Hey this is like some cliché story, boy bumps into girl, girl loves boy, boy loves girl, boy dies and girl is alone. That's how loves story's work right?" The body underneath me says. "I mean unless you're into girls then I'm way off track... Are you even a girl?" He starts rambling on. My heart calms down from its rapid beating. I thought it was the same guy who was chasing me.

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