Chapter 5

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I really thought Dustin had a brain, even though it was clear that he was missing some neurones. 

Apparently, I was wrong. Because if he did have a brain, he wouldn't be standing in front of my locker, a murderous expression on his pale face. 

As I approached, I could feel the tension and anger that surrounded him. I wasn't scared. He wanted to embarrass himself? Well that was his problem. He wasn't my boyfriend anymore.

"Hey Dustin." I greeted. "You must have one hell of a reason to be standing here, right now."

His eyes grew cold, but it was only a facade. Behind it, I could see he was hurt in his pride. 

"Well, it's funny because I do. You dumped me." I raised my eyebrows. No kidding?! "And  I never get dumped."

I laughed. "That's funny because me neither!"

I clearly was the only one having fun here. I pushed him a little so I could gain access to my locker. I had nothing to say to Dustin anymore, and if he understood that quickly, it would be great. But Dustin being Dustin, didn't know how to get his brain working.

"You are such a hypocrite. You can't use me and then throw me away when you feel like it! I have feelings, and what i'm feeling right now is that you're a bitch. A... manipulative bitch!" He screamed and a few heads turned in our directions. 

"Wow!" I said, pretending to be impressed. "Was is hard to say all those words? I mean, they are pretty sophisticated for someone like you..."

I'm pretty sure he didn't even get the insult, but it worked. With one last glare, he turned away and walked off. 



"So, I heard you broke up with Dustin." Etienne said while taking his books out and laying them down on my dining table. "I mean, you guys made a great couple. You understood each other on all levels." He added with a smirk.

I pretended not to hear that because, to be honest, I didn't understand it...

"Yeah, his time was out." I simply replied.

Since Etienne arrived today, he was chatting like a little girl. I couldn't help but wonder what got him in such a blabbing mood... The weird thing was : I talked back. It was the longest conversation he and I had in weeks.

He leaned over the table and open the "Français pour les nuls" manual.

"So, I was thinking that today we could start with the irregular verbs, since last week we..." 

"How come you speak french?" I interrupted. Very impolite I know, but I had to ask. Before everything went back to normal and he went back to being the Geography geek. However, today he looked like any normal cute boy and I have to say, his nerd status was on hold.

"Oh...Well," He started surprised. " My mother's Swiss actually. She lived there for 20 years before going to Paris to study. She, then met my dad so she decided to follow him here when he came back. Since the day I was born, she talked to me in french and it's actually more like a second language to me."

"Right..." I said while I was processing everything he just said. "I didn't know they spoke french in Sweden."

He chuckle. "Hum, they don't. I'm Swiss..., from Switzerland."

I looked at him, puzzled. "Switzerland...? Isn't that just an other name for Sweden?"

He looked shock now. "Actually no. Switzerland is a country next to France, whereas Sweden is up North. Next to Norway." 

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