Chapter 31

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"I can't believe you don't have your Christmas presents ready!" Ava was outraged. The queen of organization herself was outraged by my total lack of preparation. "You had at least a year  to prepare!"

I pleaded guilty, pushing her through the automatic door of the shopping mall. "Don't criticise my organization ok? I have presents for you guys, from Paris but for the French ones, I wanted something from here."

She gave me a tired look. "Do you at least know what you want to offer them?"

I gave her an innocent look and shook my head. She threw her hands up in the air. "Well, it's just for Paul, Alice, Loic and Jack. Four presents. We have a whole day. It should be fine."

I laughed and pulled her into the first shop, which was filled with cosmetics. When I didn't find anything suiting, I moved on to the next one and the next one, until eventually, I found my first present. We then rushed through the rest of the boutiques, hurrying since we had to meet with Alice for lunch. 

Three hours later, I had found all my presents and was pretty happy with all of them. We decided to stop for a well-deserved coffee in the mall. Just as we were about to enter the coffee shop, I bumped into a petite lady. Recognizing her perfume, I pulled back instantly as if she had burned me. I apologized, of course, and tried to move past her but she had recognized me too. 

"Ariana? Is that you?" Amber exclaimed. "I thought I'd recognized you!" I faked a smile as she wrapped her frail arms around me. "Qu'est-ce que tu fais là? Etienne told me you weren't coming back for Christmas."

I waved my hand around carelessly. "Last minute change." I looked at Ava, who looked as embarrassed and shocked as me. She gave me a lost look and, clearly seeing the fear in mine, she butted in. 

"Hi! Do you remember me? I'm Ava, Ariana's best friend. We met at the graduation." She held her hand out and Amber, who was confused at first, finally seem to realise who she was. 

I gave a frantic look around and my eyes landed on the girl standing behind her mother. I smiled and kneeled. "Lulu! How are you? You remember me, right?" 

She smiled and nodded. I wrapped my arms around her, but this time, my embrace was sincere. I let her go and got up. Ava was still chatting along, explaining what she was now studying and how amazing it was. I cleared my throat. Ava looked at me and gulped. I could feel her stress just as she could feel mine. 

She cleared her throat, while Amber's curious gaze went continuously from Ava to me. Ava took a deep breath and voiced all our worries. "Is Etienne, uhm, here?" 

Amber regained her smile and her perky voice. "Yes. He had some last minute shopping to do."

"Just like us," Ava muttered. I chuckled under my breath. 

Suddenly, Amber's eyes focused on something behind my left shoulder. Her smile widened. "Well, there he is. Etienne!" She called out. She brushed past me to meet him halfway. 

I turned to look at Ava and this time I swear I saw fear in her eyes. I widened mine, trying to pull her in the opposite direction but she resisted. "Too late to escape," she mouthed. I gave her a pleading look. She shrugged. Had to happen soon or later.

She turned around and I could feel Amber and her son coming up behind me. I heard Ava greet him, tensed. I took a deep breath. And turned around. 

He hadn't changed. I had realized that already, two nights ago, at the restaurant. He looked exactly the same and that momentarily scared me. I want to run, as his eyes moved up from his feet to meet mine. I inhaled once more and I wondered how I could still inhale air as it seemed I had never let go the previous, anxious breath. His eyes stayed fixated on mine, unfazed, and I unconsciously reached out to touch his cheek but I stopped in time. He stood right in front of me, so close, yet so far. My heart ached. 

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