Chapter 4

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I republished this chapter seeing that many of you couldn't see it. Enjoy!


Etienne knocked on my door, at precisely 2 p.m. I opened, without a word.

"Bonjour," He said with that horrible enthusiasm of his. "You're ready for your first class?"

I groaned in response before leading him to the living room. We sat on the enormous wooden table, that had no use in our house, considering that we never ate together nor had friends over. That day, no one was home. My dad was at the Golf club, with his 'friends' and my mum was at a Tea Party. Lame, I know... Even Lucinda wasn't here, she left early on Saturdays.

I sat next to Etienne, avoiding carefully any contact. He looked cute, but I'll never admit that to him, at least as long as he's still wearing that hideous olive sweater. Eurk!

He got a book out from his bag and laid it on the table. It looked vaguely familiar with that 'Français pour les nuls' inscription.

"Where did you get that?" I asked, looking at the book.

He looked at me, amused. "At school. In fact, it's the exact same book that we use in our french class."

We used a book in french class? Well, I wasn't paying much attention these last few days. Oh well!

"Oh...," Was all I could say, while I tried to hide my mistake.

"No worries. You can borrow mine until you find yours."

He opened it to page 125 and started talking about the past, the present and the future. I listened, of course, but it doesn't mean I understood his screed.

"Do you understand?" He desired to know.

"Of course, I'm not stupid!" I'd rather die than tell this guy that what he just said didn't even reach my brain.

"Great! Then, I'll see you next week. I think we'll start with the basis again," He smirked, got up and headed to the door before I could move, his book still laying on the dining table.


Three weeks later, all my grades were taking the free fall. All of them, but french, oddly enough. I was sitting in a local Café with Linda on my left, Ava in front of me and Cherry on my right. We were Saturday and lucky for me, Etienne had a mathematic competition and had to cancel our little 'session'. But right now, I was bored. Truly. I held my free cappuccino in on hand and my face in the other. Oh did I forget to mention that I was this Café's star? Well, many students for our high school worked here and many gave me free drinks in order to buy my friendship. Of course, they couldn't succeed: I'm not on sale. But it was fun, and cheap, to watch them try.

"I don't know," Linda whined. "Being the school president has many benefits for colleges' application but it's quite a big responsibility."

"You don't know that. And besides, it has been one of your main goals since you were ten," Cherry tried to convince her.

Ava stood there quiet, but she nodded as Cherry went on.

"Well, you can always run for president." I interrupted Cherry and Linda looked at me, hopeful and seeking for my approval. "However, I don't think you'll win." The hope slowly died in her eyes. "To be president you have to be elected and I don't think many people will vote for you. Sorry." I shrugged.

Her face turned vermilion and she turned her gaze to her knees. Cherry started to text something as Ava shot me a glare. What? I glared back. I only spoke the truth and we both knew that.

Suddenly, Cherry pulled her head up and looked at the coffee's entrance. Her face went from joy to total horrification. That expression suited her well, to be honest. I turned around to see what could send all my friends in total petrification.

I shouldn't have.

Dustin. On an other girl's table. With whole freaking football team.

I was horrified. Not because I loved him and was jealous. Oh no, it was far worse: embarrassment. In this place, everyone knew about us. What do you think they will say when they saw The Queen's boyfriend sitting at another table? With the WHOLE football team! I'll let you imagine.

I turned around to face my friends. They looked as angry as me and without even asking, they got up and exited the coffeeshop. As I past in front of Dustin, I shot him with the simple power of my stare.

In the street, the girls stayed silent.

"He just signed his 'end of relationship' warrant." I declared.


When I arrived home, I took my phone and texted Dustin.

Hi sweetheart. I just wanted to let you know that I'm breaking up with you. Kisses, Ariana.

There that's it for Chapter 4. I'm not especially proud of it but it had to be done in order fo the story to continue. HAHA that sounded weird. Never mind, the next chapter will be better and longer I think. If there is any french translate you need, let me know and I'll add them.

Tell me what you thought... Be gentle though!



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