Chapter 27

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"Are all your bags ready?" I nodded, looking around my room and the huge pile of bags in the middle. "Good. Let's go then. You're going to miss your flight."

I turned to Ava, who stood in the doorframe with Jamie. He was called in emergency after we realised most of my bags were way too heavy. Baggages I'd just finished. I was running late, but I mean I was taking the biggest step I'd ever taken so give me a rest.

Ava grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the door, a small bag in her hand. I carried my backpack that contained all my essentials. Once I landed on the last step, I saw Mr Green, my mother and Lucinda standing in the salon.

I hugged Lucinda first. "Have a safe flight. And call us when you are settled. I'm sure you'll have an amazing time. Roommates and all," she winked at me. "And come and see us soon." I nodded, tears in my eyes. She had become like a second mother to me, always here and caring.

"Thank you for everything," I whispered hugging her tight.

Suprisingly, Mrs Green hugged me as well. "Take care of yourself. I'll take care of everything here." Her kind eyes reassured me and I couldn't help but feel my heart squeeze. She had help us so much in the short time she was here.

Finally, I hesitantly wrapped my arms around my mother. Her clothes were neat and her hair cleaned. She was getting better everyday, at least physically. "Take care, mom." I told her. "I'll be back soon. I'll miss you."

She stood silently but her grip on my back tightened. She held me so tight, my breath caught. "I love you too," I murmured for her only.

After those warm goodbyes, which broke my heart, I climbed in Ava's car, Jamie in the back. We headed to the airport where Jelena should be waiting for us.

We arrived with an hour to spare before my flight, which I was glad. Jelena stood in front of the check-in and waiting as we brought all my suitcases. And it was time for a second goodbye.

It broke my heart to leave them. Jelena had been great during the last week. She called Paul, who luckily had a friend looking for a roommate, and he tlld her about me. She accepted to talk by messages and we agreed to live together, at least for this year. Her name was Alice. Jelena had helped me pack and clean my room.

Ava helped too, she just had been a bit more distracted by a little someone... Not going to mention any name here. But I didn't hold a grudge against her putting her love life first. Besides she had been there all year long and since the beggining. So it broke my heart to leave them.

The only person missing was Etienne. I had meant to tell him. I really had. But when I had called him to ask if we could meet up, he barely answered and told me that he had something planned that night. With Allie. I was surprised he still saw her one on one after she kissed him. I mean, her intentions couldn't've been more clear! But no, apparently not. I was mad. So I decided to leave without telling him. Which was rude. But I was going to call him. Eventually. Before my flight, I had promised myself the night before, so that nothing he says can make me question my decision.

I saw how he reacted when Jack told him where he was going to study. I never wanted to hear that, not from him. Besides, I knew he had other things planned today and he couldn't've come to the airport anyway.

I hugged Jamie, making him promise to take care of my best friend and he pretended not to know what I was talking about. I then took Jelena in my arms, telling her how glad I was to have met her and have her in my life.

Finally, I wrapped my arms around Ava. She cried and so did I. We had known each other so long, I couldn't remember a life without her. So I cried and so did she. And I left.

I waved at them through the secruity lane. And then they disapeared from my view. I was alone. Once again. But this time it wasn't for long. Alice said she would come and pick me up at the airport with Paul. I was excited to meet her and see him again. I was sad Jelena didn't accompany me so she could see him, but she declared the separation was always hard and seeing him made it all worse.

I kind of understood her point of view. It hurt, hurt so bad, to leave everyone, especially Etienne. Things made worse by the fact he was ignorant of the situation. But he had barely called and texted, probably busy with his sister or Allie, who knows? But I brought this pain on myself. I couldn't bare this place anymore. I had to leave. I could already feel the weight of this place lift off my shoulders.

I sat, waiting for my plane. Flipping my phone through my fingers, I suddenly found if hard to breath. My escape so close. My heart so dark and bleeding. My time to fly so near.

There was just one tiny thing I had to do before I left.

I dialled Etienne's number.

It rang and directed me to his voice mail.

I took a deep breath.

"Etienne, it's me. I have to tell you something..."

Heyyy I know this is a short chapter but I'm coming back soon with the continuation!

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Love you!


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