Chapter 14

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Etienne's P.o.V.

We were half way to the theater when I felt like my heart was teared apart. I couldn't forget her expression when she ran into me, rushing down the stairs. There was soemthing in Ariana's eyes... Something different, like fear or apprehension. Or pain. Similar to the day she came to my house for the first time.

I shook my head, trying to get all those thoughts in order but my heart decided otherwise. With every step I took, I could see her face falling to pieces, crumbling down like old paper.

I stopped in the middle of the road. Jack turned to me, a confused look on his face. I tried to smile reassuringly but he raised an eyebrow, meaning he knew something was up. I pick up my pace to catch with our french teacher.

"Mr. Delacour, I'm not feeling well."

He was in a deep conversation Mrs. Wallentin and took his time to look at me.

"What is it Etienne? A fever?" He asked, stopping.

"I don't know. But my stomach hurts and I'm starting to feel a light headache." I managed to lie. If you didn't know yet, I was a strong believer in truth and lying, well wasn't my forte. However, luckily for me, both of the teachers nodded and asked me if I wanted someone to escort me back. I declined and left in the opposite direction.

As I brushed by Ava, who was there with Jelena and Paul, I think it was, she grabbed my arm. She looked into my eyes and I had the feeling she knew more about Ariana and me than she let us see.

"Take good care of her. You know she's fragile." I nodded and she let go of my arm.

A week ago, she and I had a similar conversation after Ariana blew us both off. We knew that if she wasn't ready to talk about it, then we shouldn't push her. But we still had the rights to ask. Ava told me that night what she heard of Mr. Delacour and Ariana's conversation on the plane. She was reluctant to tell me but she sensed my distress and finally spoke.

I walked fast, so fast that I was out of breath and had to inhale deeply every two seconds. I was getting close, closer to her. I reached the end of our street and ran all the way from there.

I stopped right in front of her door, taking time to catch my breath. I, then, opened it slowly. So slowly that she didn't hear me entering her room.

She sat there, under her duvet, feet crossed, looking intensely at her computer. Her hair were tied up in a high ponytail and her makeup was removed. I noticed a little redness on her nose and eyes. Suddenly, she laughed at her computer, contrasting with the blankness I saw on her features a few seconds ago. I couldn't help myself, I was staring.

With Ariana, I knew I was getting in deep trouble. Deep, endless trouble. I know, I had a girlfriend and despite everything I told myself at night, I felt an inconditional attraction towards her. I mean, I was a guy and well, she was the prettiest girl around. I had to be blind not to see it... and thankfully, I wore glasses.

I shook my head, tearing myself from this absolute vision of heaven and the endless trail of my thoughs. I opened the door a little wider, hoping this time she would notice.

She raised her eyes to me and grew terrified, until she realized who I was. She sighed deeply.

"Etienne." She murmured.

I love the way she said my name. Oh lord, I was going to hell.


Ariana's P.o.V.

"Etienne." I whispered.

A small smile reached his lips as I pronounced his name. I was relieved it was him and no other. This was the occasion to talk honestly and apologize for my behaviour.

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