Chapter 12

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I tossed and turned, trying to find sleep. I glance at the clock. 1 AM. Great... Our plane arrived in France at 11PM, french time. After Mr. Delacour assigned us our rooms, we had kick dinner and we all went to bed.

I had my own bedroom. A small room, composed of two single beds, a wardrobe - that was now full- a mirror and a conjoined cabinet. Ava was with Jelena in a room across. Etienne shared a room with the gothic boy and the two nerds stayed together. The three other girls begged Mr. Delacour to be able to share a room together. I saw their fear shine through their eyeball when he said that one of them had to share a room with me. I had made it clear I didn't want to and after a few sly remarks, they were kneeling in front of the teachers. Finally, one of them had to share a room with Mrs. Wallentin. Karma, I guess...

I sat up on my bed. I took my phone and saw three missed calls from my mother. Thank goodness I had but in silent mode. When we landed, I quickly sent her a text to reassure her, though I wasn't sure she cared. I bet that if I answered the phone right now, she would be drunk and asking to speak to my dad, unaware it was me on the other side. 

I got up and slipped my slippers on. I wore a small short and a cropped top. Pink of course, and made of satin. I took a jacket with me, it was cold in Winter here in Paris. I peeked down the hall. The area was empty, everyone too busy sleeping. I walked out slowly and went down the stairs. This place had a open cafeteria 24/7 which meant that we could always go and grab something. 

I opened the caf's door and headed in. It was dark, the light barely lighting the entry. A soft rattle came from behind the counter. I continued slowly, my feet barely touching the ground. I approached the noise and saw incredible green eyes straight at me through the dim light. I let out a sigh. 

"Etienne. Thank god. What are you doing?" I asked, looking around at what his was doing. 

There was a kettle, a screwdriver and a few plugs laying around. I raised my eyebrows. 

He pulled up his glasses. It was unusual to see him with them and yet he still looked good. They were huge ones and took pretty much his whole face. He must've taken of his contact lenses before going to bed. "I wanted tea, but the kettle is broken. I tried to repair it."

I laughed. "At one in the morning?" He nodded and went back to his kettle. "And did you manage to repair it?" I asked walking forward, taking closer look. He smiled softly and plugged the kettle. 

"Of course." A few seconds later, I heard the soft rumble of the water boiling. "You want so? It's a tea without caffeine. My mother forced me to take it. She knows me too well..." He smiled.

I agreed and took an other cup out of the cupboard. He poured the hot water into it and handed me a tea bag. I thank him, blowing on the tea for it to cool.

"You couldn't sleep?" I asked casually.

"No. I think I slept to much in the plane. Besides, Jack was snoring. You?" He responded and I giggled slightly.

"Me neither." I paused and leaned back on the counter. "You texted Nina?"

A smug smile appeared on his face. "Yeah, she was so jealous. She envies us, I mean we are in the city of love and we can't be together." 

Tell me about it...

"Anyways," I said heading towards the exit. "I'll go back to bed."

He looked hurt. "Already? We barely got talking." I grimaced and settle my cup down on a random table.

"What do you want to talk about, Dork?" I asked in a slightly rude tone. I sensed that I wasn't going to like what was coming next.

He looked at me, his eyes sinking into mine. "You." He simply said. I shifted uncomfortably and smiled to disguise my discomfort. I knew Etienne noticed the changes I'd been going through, but he had been so kind but to keep quiet. He sort of mentioned it in the plane, but until then he didn't make insinuation. "You look down."

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