Chapter 11

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I love this song and Elvis Presley of course.

"Flight GZ472 is ready for boarding. Please head to the gate 2J. That is flight GZ472."

I leaned forward and picked up my travelling bag, a Louis Vuitton. In my other hand, I held my Lonchamp. I looked at Ava who was in deep conversation with Jelena. They tried to include me at first but I didn't feel like chatting.

Honestly, I haven't felt like talking for quite some time now. Two weeks had passed since I discovered about my dad. Like I told him to, he was barely at home always finding an excuse to leave the country. More like he moved in with his mistress. My mom didn't handled it well but what could I do? She spent most of her nights out, clubbing with her so-called friends. In the end, it didn't change much. The house remained empty...

Toby had been there for me; spending nights at my house, cooking, watching TV and well... you know. But it was nothing serious. We both knew that our relationship wasn't exclusive. However, I couldnt help but search for the spark we had the first time we danced. But it was gone.

He just wasn't Etienne. A small voice whispered.

Etienne.... he was seated a few centimeters from me and yet he seemed so far. After I've been to his house, we decided to keep having our lessons there. But we were never alone: surrounded by his sister or his mother. It was good in a way, because they helped me with french but I couldn't fully enjoy Etienne's magical presence.

However his dad was nowhere to be seen, except on the frames of course. He talked about him often but even when I ate dinner at their place, he didn't come home.

It was a mystery that I couldn't dare ask about.

Nina had been the most annoying person on planet Earth. Bragging about her and Etienne: how sweet he was, how romantic... blablabla. How I was going to strangle her!

Their relationship was now official and because they all knew I was ok with Etienne, all the girls were fangirling around and about. Not one day went by without me hearing: "I saw Nina and her boyfriend sitting together. They are soooo cute." At this rate, I wasn't going to have any friends anymore. They would all be murdered...

The only ones who kept their mouth shut where Linda and Ava. They both understood my facial expressions too well. I was greatful in a way. Linda was too focus on her presidential condidature and Ava knew I finally understood my feelings. Even though I crushed them. Well if I kept telling myslef that; it might really happen.

I saw Mr. Delacour getting up and walking towards the gate so I followed. All the other students soon follow. Over all, we were 10 sutdents. Me, Ava, Jelena, Etienne, the goth kid he was talking with, two nerds and three other girls.

They all got up as slowly as posible. I felt impatience rise but I repressed. The line was long and the ground hostess was extra slow.

I finally slouched myself down in my sit after being pushed around and rolled over by thousands of suitcases. I luckily found space for my Louis Vuitton in the overheads. No way it was going in the hold.

I raised my gaze as I felt someone sitting next to me.

"Am I so addictive that you have to sit next to me all the time?" I teased.

Etienne laughed and got a book out of his bag. "Have you read the one I gave you?"

"Yes. I took it with me, actually."

He smiled, proudly and turned off his phone. He's such a good boy...

The plane was full by now and a young man sat on the other side of Etienne. I looked out of the window, the sun was hidden and the day was grim. To be honest, I wasn't a fan of flying.

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