Chapter 19

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OH. MY. GAWWWDDDDD!!!!!! Today has been like the best day ever! I woke up to see Jason released Oasis, (which you guys should TOTALLY check out if you haven't. It's ah-may-zingggg) then when I got to school I had a sub in my first two classes so we didn't have the tests that were scheduled and we just watched movies, then I had ceramics and that always makes my day better, then lunch was just SUPER fun because I was really happy so I just couldn't stop laughing, then in math I finished al the homework for this week because I was bored and we don't do anything in that class, THEN when I got home my mom said I had a package and it was my TrueMU shirt!!!! Now I'm writing this and that always brightens my day, ANNNDDDDD the Catching Fire soundtrack comes out today!!!! This is the best day I have had in a while!

Also, Bashur and his girlfriend just broke up. He hasn't specified exactly why they broke up, but I put two and two together. He said, "Fastest relationship ever... Guess I gotta learn the lesson now, it's not going to get better the bigger I get..." I thought this menat it will be harder for him to find someone genuine when he is kinda famous, which would mean that she Christina (I'm pretty sure that was her name) was not genuine. Also she made her first video with him like three days ago, and he said to subscribe to her, now they aren't dating any more. I'm 99.9999999% sure she was only dating him for publicity. I feel really bad for him, but I would just like to say, I KNEW IT!!!! I KNEW SHE WAS NO GOOD SINCE THE DAY THEY STARTED DATING!!! You can decide weather you believe me or not, but I have hated her since I found out he was dating her. Something about her seemed off, I couldn't tell what it was, or why every fiber of my being decided to hate her, but it did. And now I know it is because my heart could just tell she was a bad person before my brain could figure out why. Bashur deserves so much better.

Anywho, sorry to bore you with my rants, here is another chapter!


As we walk into the theater and see there is basically nobody there.

"I guess matinee movies on a Wednesday aren't that popular." Jordan says. We all laugh a little and grab our popcorn. We are going to see Ender's Game, and I am really excited because I love the book.

We head to our seats, Kelsea sits on the end, I sit next to her, Jordan next to me, Justin next to him. We sit in alone for a while, the whole theater for ourselves, and talk until a group of four teenage girls walk into the theater. One of them drops their popcorn and screams. All four of us jumps and her friends turn to look at her like she is crazy. She covers her face with her hands and begins to sob loudly. We are all completely confused, and do nothing but stare at the girl. Except for Jordan. He gets up and does a little jog down to the bottom of the stairs, and begins to help the girl clean up her popcorn. Her friends are still confused, but one of them speaks.

"Thank you sir, that is very kind of you, but we got it." The girl looks up at Jordan and begins to sob louder. "Meghan! Calm your tits! What's wrong?!" the same girl yells.

"J-J-J-" She stutters between sobs.

"J-J-J-Just SPIT IT OUT!" Says another one of her friends. Instead of answering the girl only throws her arms around Jordan and sobs even louder. We are all taken aback. Her friends gasp, and Kelsea, Justin, and I only stare. After a second of shock Jordan puts his arms around the girl and squeezes tightly. She mumbles something I can't understand, and Jordan nods.

"Ok, what's going on here?" Another asks. The girl pulls away from Jordan.

"G-Guys," She says between her sobs that are beginning to slow down. "This is Jordan Maron, otherwise known as Captainsparklez." One of her friends gasp, another one still looks confused and another one just rolls her eyes.

"Oh you mean that guy you spend every waking moment of your life fangirling over?" The one who rolls her eyes asks. I stand up and work my way down to stand next to them.

"I didn't realize he was so hot!" Another one of the girls say. Jordan just laughs, not embarrassed by the comment at all.

"Why? People who play minecraft can't be hot?" He says. All the girls laugh uncomfortably, and Meghan only beams a bright smile.

"Jordan, I am your biggest fan. I have every single one of your shirts, and I have seen every single video of yours AND from prosdonttalkshit!" She then hangs her head and whispers the next part. "You have saved my life on multiple occasions." I feel myself beginning to cry. Jordan hugs Meghan again.

"I'm so happy to hear that I could make a difference in your life. Remember, even if it seems that nobody loves you, I do. So don't ever kill yourself, you are amazing and beautiful." I can't help but let a little tear slip out. It is decided. I love this man. I love Jordan Maron.


That was not how I planned that chapter at all... I just wrote the girls coming in just to say that they weren't alone in the theater after that and... well... it kind of just escalated from there. But oh well, I am satisfied with it :)

I realized that I should try and connect with you guys more. So I am going to do a contest. YOu guys are going to come up with some characters!! Yaayyyyy! So basically I need their gender, age, appearance, and personality.

I am going to have characters spread throughout the story, and I will try and use every single one of them at some point! So comment below! Woooowooowowowowoowooo!

Vote if you like it and comment if you feel like it!



When Sparkz Fly (Captainsparklez Fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora