Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Craig stepped into the shack and his gaze instantly went to Ezekiel. The man was sitting on his cot, with his back against the rough wooden wall. The top few buttons of his shirt were undone and his chest gleamed in the lantern light.

Those dark, predatory eyes seemed to be burning holes directly in Craig.

Craig felt his hands shaking. His legs went a bit weak. He swallowed hard and fought the urge to race back out the door. Instead, he squared his shoulders and stared at the wall behind Ezekiel as he began to speak.

"Ezekiel, I want to make something clear. I... I've said it before but I reckon it bears repeating. I am attracted to women."

Ezekiel nodded and rose from the bed in one fluid motion that caused Craig's gut to tighten. "You've mentioned that," the giant of a man admitted.

Craig licked his shaking lips before continuing. "And I wanted to make sure you understood...." His voice trailed off as Ezekiel stalked toward him.

His movements were slow. Deliberate. Predatory.

Dark eyes roamed across Craig's body causing him to feel exposed and vulnerable...... and quite a bit warmer than he'd been moments before.

"Oh I understand," Ezekiel breathed out as he towered over Craig. His tongue slid across his full bottom lip and Craig clenched his fists tight and a lightning bolt seemed to flash through his veins. "Now I need to make sure you understand something."

Craig wasn't sure how he spoke but somehow the words. "What's that?" came from his mouth.

Ezekiel circled around behind him and Craig stiffened when a large calloused hand gripped his hip. Those fingertips resting dangerously close to the front of his trousers. "I am attracted to men... and I find myself desiring one man in particular."

Warm breath breezed across Craig's ear and his cock hardened damn near painfully.


When was the last time he'd felt this kind of want for a woman? Had he ever felt this kind of want for a woman?

As Craig was still piecing together what that meant and what he intended to do about it, Ezekiel moved away.

That hand left his hip and the warmth of his breath left Craig's ear. "But if you're sure you only want women...."

Craig wrestled with himself a moment. If he gave in to what he was feeling it could change everything he'd ever known about himself...

Oh, what the hell. Craig had always been foolishly impulsive. There wasn't any point in changing now.

Turning quickly, Craig realized that Ezekiel was still standing there with that same hungry gaze in his dark eyes and a satisfied smile on his lips. "I was hoping you'd change your mind," that deep voice rumbled.

Craig threw all caution and thought to the wind. He leapt forward and jumped into Ezekiel's arms, propelling them both backward as their lips hungrily sought each other.

Ezekiel's back struck the wall and he braced himself against it, as he grabbed Craig's face in his hands and deepened their kiss.

Craig trembled as he felt Ezekiel's hard body moving against his. Each and every coiling muscle bunched and moved beneath him.

With a low growl from deep in his chest, Ezekiel peeled Craig off of him and put distance between them.

"What are you doing?" Craig demanded, his breath panting out of him as if he'd just run a mile in the sun. "The kissing was working for me."

Ezekiel's dark eyes were glowing in the lamp light as he shook his head. "Not like that. Not rushed. You need to know something, Craig."

Craig rolled his eyes. "Are you always bossy? Even when it comes to a quick rut?"

Ezekiel raised one thick brow. "I don't have quick ruts," he assured him and Craig could hear that cocky sarcasm that had always annoyed him before..... it was beginning to grow on him.

"Well that makes a pair of us," Craig boasted with a wink. "Might make for a long night."

"I plan on it," Ezekiel agreed, stepping forward.

Anticipation had Craig stepping up to meet him but Ezekiel held out a hand. "That thing you need to know?"

Craig grumbled. "Yeah, yeah, what is it? Do you have six toes on one foot? Or a really tiny....." He let the question trail off and he saw Ezekiel's lips twitch with a laugh he held back.

"No. No, there's nothing tiny about me," Ezekiel assured him. "But I am bossy. Real bossy."

Craig expected to feel annoyance. He'd always hated authority.

But instead he was surprised when a hungry tremble of anticipation washed over him. "Boss away, sir." 

A/N: I know, I know... it's a bit of a tease! But i'm already working on the next chapter so please don't come looking for me! I just wanted to give y'all something to read because it's been a while!

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