Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five


Craig was, quite simply, numb.

But he knew that his best friend was worried sick about him so he plastered the best smile he could on his face and assured the man he was okay.

Wyatt's gaze went skyward, his hands went to his hips and his glare was one for the record books. 'You're not fine.'

Craig sighed and looked out from the porch of the line shack that Zachariah and Wyatt had made their home. "You're right. I'm not. Hell, I loved him, Wyatt."

Wyatt put a hand on Craig's shoulder. 'Did you tell him that?'

Craig opened his mouth to say yes but then clamped it shut. No. No, he hadn't. He had thought that Ezekiel would simply know that he loved him.... He had assumed that it was understood.

'Of course you didn't,' Wyatt mouthed in what Craig knew would be a mutter if the man could speak.

"You're right. I could have fought harder to keep him," Craig grumbled. "But he could have fought harder too."

The two friends sat there in silence together for a long while before Wyatt finally slapped Craig on the back, nearly dislodging his lung.

Craig turned a pained expression his way. 'Let's go on a trip. A few days of riding, sleeping under the stars, playing poker. It'll be like the old days.'

A genuine smile curved Craig's lips at his best friend's offer. "Are you sure Zachariah would let you out of his sight for a few days?"

Wyatt shrugged. 'Sure.' His thick brows waggled. 'He can miss me a while.'

Craig nodded. "I think I'd enjoy a few days under the sky. Thanks, Wyatt."

Wyatt wrapped him in a warm hug and pulled away with that bright smile on his face that always seemed contagious. 'What are best friends for?'

"I was only gone an hour and you've already replaced me." Zachariah's deep, gruff voice accused as the man came around the side of the cabin. "You just can't find a good man these days."

Wyatt rolled his eyes before stepping to the banister and putting his arms around Zachariah's neck. Craig couldn't see what Wyatt said but it had the grizzled Indian blushing beneath his scars.

Wyatt pulled away and glanced at Craig. 'Craig and I are going away for a couple of days.'

"Where the hell are you going?" Zachariah demanded, clearly not happy with the news.

Wyatt sighed. 'To get some fresh air.'

Zachariah was quiet a moment. It was impossible to tell what the man was thinking and Craig wondered if he'd kill him. Zachariah had never been real fond of him and, while they hadn't had any issues since Craig's return, this was sure to spark some.

Zachariah's gray eyes were angry. "Fresh air?"

Wyatt nodded in earnest as he put his hand on the tall man's chest. 'My best friend needs me.'

"I need you," Zachariah growled. He threw a glance at Craig and then tugged Wyatt into his body possessively. "I don't know why I have to suffer and be lonely because Craig can't handle his own life."

Outlaw Vices (third in The Crane Gang Series)manxmanWhere stories live. Discover now