Chapter Thirty-Two

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Chapter Thirty-Two

Craig suddenly found himself alone with Maria and Susannah. At his single uttered word, Ezekiel had released his hold on Craig's hand and strode from the room without so much as a growl.

Craig longed to chase after him but there wasn't time just now. Another of Susannah's screams filled the room and Craig winced at the overwhelming volume.

"Maria, go get witnesses. I need paper, ink and a pen too. And get Ezekiel back in here."

Maria narrowed her eyes. "Are you honestly going to do this?"

Craig swallowed hard and shoved his trembling hands in his pockets. "Please, go."

Craig stepped to the edge of the bed once he and Susannah were alone. "Thank you, Craig. Thank you for marrying me...."

"I'm not. I'm not marrying you," Craig quickly countered.

Her blue eyes widened. "But you said....."

"I meant, okay, I would take the child. Not, okay, I will be your husband."

"But Gregory will come and he'll take the babe, or fight you for it...."

"That won't happen," Craig interrupted. "We're going to write out a certificate of adoption. You're going to give that babe and all rights to that babe to me. We'll have some witnesses that can sign and that'll be all we need."

"It would be wiser to marry me," Susannah argued. Her blue eyes pleaded as she reached out a hand to touch her fingertips to his arm. "And then I could die a wife instead of a pregnant whore."

Craig pulled away and shook his head sadly. "I won't do a damn thing to help your conscience, Susannah. I don't owe you a damn thing. I'm only doing this for your child."


"And if you're being honest and you're afraid for your child and truly want to give him or her a better life, you'll let me adopt it and put yourself last for once."

Silence reigned for several long moments. Finally, Susannah sighed. "Okay. I want my child to have a life—a good life. And I know that you'll give that to them."

"Even around the dark-skinned folks you slung so much hate at?" he asked. "And the abominations?"

Susannah winced, though Craig didn't know if it was guilt or pain that caused the gesture as she put her hand on her swollen belly. "I was bitter and full of hatred."

Maria entered the room then. She handed Craig paper, ink and pen and he took them over to the small table. "Where's Ezekiel?" he asked.

"Outside. He refuses to come in."

Craig growled. Stubborn jackass. He motioned for Maria to come to him. "Write up a quick letter of adoption. Her child will be passed to me upon her death. Susannah and I will both sign and you and Ezekiel can sign as witness."

"Good luck getting him to come in to witness anything," Maria countered as she began to write. Susannah screamed again and it became clear she didn't have much time left as her head lolled to the side and she fought to remain conscious.

Craig raced out the door and found Ezekiel on the porch staring off into the night. "Get in here. I need you," Craig stated bluntly.

Ezekiel shook his head. "I love you, Craig. And I understand what you're doing, but please, don't make me watch you share vows with someone else—even if they don't mean anything to you. They're gonna mean something to me."

Outlaw Vices (third in The Crane Gang Series)manxmanWhere stories live. Discover now