Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six

Craig was having a better time than he'd thought he'd have. He and Wyatt had only been out on their own for a night but it felt good to sleep under the stars and spend the day riding, talking and relaxing in the shade with his best friend.

He'd missed this. He'd missed feeling like the old days.

The two had just sat down beneath a shade tree to play a bit of cards when the sound of hoof beats reached their ears. Craig glanced up and sighed. "Looks like the bounty hunter couldn't let you stay out of his sight for three days after all."

Wyatt's head whipped around and when his eyes fell on Zachariah, he shook his head roughly and shoved himself to his feet. 'That overprotective jackass.....'

Wyatt's posture changed from one of annoyance to one of worry as Zachariah neared them on that big black horse and it became clear that something was wrong.

"Craig, you'll be wanting to get back to Jeb's place," Zachariah announced.

Craig stood and swiped the dirt off his backside. "What's wrong? Is everybody okay?"

"You've got a visitor," Zachariah replied. "And in true Crane Gang fashion, he's been knocked unconscious and is tied to a chair at your brother's place."


Ezekiel had regained consciousness several moments ago but had remained still, silent and kept his eyes closed to allow himself time to gauge his surroundings.

"Look at your damn hand, Gill. You need to let Maria look at that. I think you might have broken it."

"My hand is fine, Jeb," Gill replied with exasperation. "You worry too much."

"It's so nice to see that mother hens don't change," a third male voice announced with a tone that was clearly teasing.

"You better be quiet, Pete. With the mood Jeb's in, he's apt to try to hurt you and then I'd have to step in an protect you," a woman warned.

"My knight in shining armor," Pete mused.

Ezekiel frowned. These people were insane—just as Craig had said they were.

He remembered Gill knocking him out cold. First damn time Ezekiel had ever been knocked out with one punch. He wouldn't be surprised if the man had broken his hand. And he wasn't surprised Gill had hit him. Hell, Ezekiel was lucky Gilliam Tomlinson hadn't shot him on sight.

The man knew what Ezekiel had once been. He knew every single nasty detail ever listed on law reports about Ezekiel and the things he'd done.

But Ezekiel couldn't figure out for the life of him where he was now or why he was tied to a damn chair and surrounded by a small army of bickering, teasing and mother henning folks.

He figured it was as good a time as any to open his eyes. Would he see Craig anywhere?

"He's awake," the woman's voice immediately announced the moment Ezekiel's eyelids opened. She had wild blond hair beneath a wide brimmed hat and a young boy, he knew must be Little Willie, was propped on her trouser clad hip.

"Hello Jane," Ezekiel replied.

A red haired, buck-toothed man instantly came between Ezekiel and Jane. It took him a moment to place the familiar face. "Pete Bardlow. Nice to see you."

Outlaw Vices (third in The Crane Gang Series)manxmanDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora