Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

The air left Craig's lungs in a rush. His legs grew week and he clutched the wagon for support as he attempted to steady himself under the harsh gaze of the Madame.

A babe?

That couldn't be. Craig had always, always, been more than a little careful to never get a woman with child.... It had been something he was obsessive about not doing since the child of a whore seldom grew up with love and care. He'd spent most of his adult life helping children—he wouldn't want his own growing up unloved or unwanted.

No. There was simply no way that Susannah was carrying his child. He'd always been too careful.

His eyes closed as a groan escaped his lips.

But what about that night? The night he couldn't remember? The night the hotel clerk claimed he checked in with a guest of less than exceptional reputation?

Craig squared his shoulders and met the Madame's eyes. If he was going to be accused of fathering a child, he was going to look into his accuser's eyes while it happened. "Where is Susannah?"

"Follow me," the Madame barked.

Craig did just that and his hands were shaking as he entered the brothel. He was led up the grand staircase and down carpeted hall to one of many doors.

The Madame rapped sharply at the door before pulling it open and ushering Craig inside. He stepped across the threshold and his eyes fell upon his accuser.

"Hello, Craig," she whispered, wrapping her arms tight around herself as she stood there in floor length yellow robe, cinched tight at a waist that wasn't showing any sign of the life growing inside her just yet.

Craig took in the waves of golden hair, the full lips, the soft cheeks and big blue eyes. She was damn pretty, that was for sure.

But he had no memory of the woman—or of bedding her.

Craig glanced at the Madame. "Ma'am, can we have a bit of privacy?"

The Madame sent Susannah a sharp glance and then nodded curtly before exiting the room with a swish of heavy skirts.

Without her Madame's heavy gaze on her, Susannah let out a lengthy sigh and her shoulders sagged. She didn't seem to want to meet Craig's eyes. "Did she tell you?"

Craig walked to the small table and tapped his fingers on the dainty ceramic vase sitting upon it. "Yeah, she told me. Forgive me if I'm out of line, but, how can a woman of your profession possibly determine who fathered her child?"

Susannah's face paled as she rubbed at her fabric encased arms. "You shouldn't judge a woman for her profession," she replied. "Especially when you've so enjoyed it."

Craig winced and shook his head. "I'm not judging your profession, ma'am," he assured her. "I was only asking a question. I'm assuming, by the looks of you, that you're quite good at your job, which would mean that any number of men could have fathered a child with you. Why are you so certain it's me?"

"I appreciate your high appraisal of my physical wares, however, in answer to your question, I'm very certain that you are the father of the babe in my belly because you are the only man I've laid with while in this brothel's employ."

Craig could not completely contain his laughter. "Right... And I'm supposed to take your word on that?"

Susannah's eyes narrowed. "You should, yes. I would have no reason to lie."

Outlaw Vices (third in The Crane Gang Series)manxmanWhere stories live. Discover now