Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three

Jeb wasn't quite sure what had just happened.

All he was sure of was that there was a pregnant whore pacing around while screeching about abominations and that Craig had raced away as if the hounds of hell were on his heels.

"What in the world....?" Jeb glanced back to see Eleanor poke her head from the house, clearly alerted by the volume of the screeches their unwelcome guest was emitting.

"Preston?" Gill called as Eleanor rushed back inside. Jeb knew the woman would be terrified. She was a nervous little bird at the best of times and, while she was comfortable around the family, new people sent her running.

"Yeah pa?" Preston asked as he came out of the corral and approached with his hands over his ears. "Go in and check on Eleanor."

Preston nodded and rushed into the house, clearly eager to be escape a bit of the noise.

Jeb saw Wyatt's gaze go skyward before the man let out a huff, stormed over to a pacing, ranting Susannah and clamped his hand over her mouth.

Jeb nearly chuckled at the comical widening of the woman's blue eyes and he heard that Zachariah did let a laugh slip out.

Susannah jerked away from Wyatt and wiped at her face. "Don't put your negro hands on me!"

Jeb stepped forward, his temper fully flared, but Gill's hand grabbed his arm and pulled him back. Jeb turned to look at the other man. "Jebidiah, go find your brother and talk to him. Talk not scold. I will deal with her."

"I don't want her on this ranch," Jeb growled. He was thankful for Gilliam in that moment. Gilliam tended to be the cooler headed one of the duo.

"She won't be," Gill promised.

Jeb nodded, threw one last threatening glance at the suddenly silent woman and headed for the barn to get a horse. He wasn't sure what he'd say to Craig but he knew he'd have to go easy... it was clear that Susannah was a snake and Craig had been through a hell of a lot.


Gill stepped off the porch and pointed to the wagon. "Get in."

"Don't order me around, negro," Susannah spat.

Gill chuckled. Clearly the woman thought she was something special. "I apologize, ma'am." He tipped his head politely. "If you'd be so obliged as to enter the wagon, I will be happy to drive you into town so you can rest a bit at the hotel."

Susannah huffed her way to the wagon. She stood beside the seat a moment and then cleared her throat loudly. "Am I to climb up alone?"

Wyatt smacked Gill on the arm to get his attention. 'Does she know slavery ended?'

Zachariah shook his head. "Brothels don't teach history."

Gill ignored them both and approached Susannah. "I'd be happy to help you up, ma'am. I was merely keeping my distance because I'm a negro, ma'am, and didn't want to soil you with my negro hands."

Wyatt let out silent laughter and waved his dark hands in the air.

Gill helped Susannah onto the wagon seat before sitting down beside her. He headed off toward town, knowing he'd have plenty of time during the ride to figure out what the hell was going on.

Outlaw Vices (third in The Crane Gang Series)manxmanWhere stories live. Discover now