Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

Memories and flashbacks of his distant past had Ezekiel studying the ceiling as Craig lay sleeping against his chest the darkness covering them heavily.

Hours ago he'd been so full of peace and contentment after spending the day locked away with Craig. But the night, and demons of his past, had stolen that. Now Ezekiel was left with nothing to do but wait for the daylight.

Craig stirred against him. "Why are you awake?"

Ezekiel glanced down at the man in the faint moonlight. He knew he'd never get tired of seeing that boyishly handsome face. "I'm not tired."

Craig sighed and propped himself up on his elbow. His green eyes showed worry. "It's two in the morning. Everyone is tired."

"Not me," Ezekiel countered, pushing a stray lock of Craig's hair behind his ear.

"I've noticed that there seems to be a lot of nights you're not tired. Do you want to talk about it?"

Ezekiel stiffened. "Nope."

Craig's body language changed instantly at Ezekiel's curt reply. The man pulled away and the distance between their bodies left Ezekiel feeling cold.

Craig's expression was a tense one. "Alright then," he grumbled.

Ezekiel rubbed roughly at his face and adjusted his head against the soft hotel pillow. "It's just memories, Craig. Bad ones. They keep me up some nights."

Craig seemed to soften a bit and he curled his body back against Ezekiel's. "I've heard people say that talking about your problems can make them better."

"Those people don't have my problems."

Craig laid his head once again on Ezekiel's chest. "I wasn't always quite as useless, drunk and angry as I was when you met me. The gang I ran with, we were family. Our whole lives were that gang. We stole valuables, money and cattle off wealthy ranchers and we gave what money we made to orphanages to tend to children. Jeb, my brother, gave us that purpose. And that was more than ten years of my life. Then suddenly everything changed. Two of my family were murdered and more were captured. It took some effort, and some killing, but we got them free and what was left of us decided to head to some land my brother had. Settling down was what my brother had in mind to do......"

Craig was quiet for a moment. He spread his hand across Ezekiel's taut stomach before continuing. "I tried. I did. My brother settled down fine with his man and their boy. My best friend, Wyatt, he seemed okay with ranch life too. So did my cousin and her husband. Everyone seemed good. Happy..... and I was lost. I couldn't seem to find the button that everyone else had found to turn off the life we'd lived before.

"I missed the people we'd lost but I also missed the lifestyle we'd lost. I didn't know who I was or what to do without it. And so I drank to help me forget... and with the drinking came the rage and the melancholy. Hell, there were times when I was drunk for a week at a time. I wouldn't eat or sleep. I would just drink and gamble and whore around.

"I found myself for a short time when I thought Wyatt was in trouble and ended up riding with him and Zachariah. But then that adventure ended and we were right back to that ranch and once again, the button eluded me. I just couldn't find peace. But I couldn't stay and worry my family any longer. So, I left to find myself." Craig snorted. "What I found was more trouble and a nice wet ditch to die in...... then you had to go and save me."

Outlaw Vices (third in The Crane Gang Series)manxmanWhere stories live. Discover now