Just A Fight

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"Scarlett Summer why won't you come to my house?" Roman demanded of me as we sat in my unused dining room.
"Roman," I groaned, "can we not do this again?"

"It's just a building and as much as I love spending my time with you and in your space, I would really like you to share my space too." He reasoned. "I do not see why you are making such a big deal out of this. You are my girlfriend and we've been together for months and still you have yet to step foot into my home."
"I don't know Roman, it's just that is a big step." I tried.

He eyed me incredulously, "Scarlett that is ridiculous. You are being ridiculous. I have clothes in your closet and your drawer, yet you coming to my house is 'a big step,' seriously? I practically live here."

He was right of course. I was being ridiculous. But despite everything that made this relationship a real relationship, going to his house would make it official. I was still being my commitment-challenged self. Eventually, I would have to, but that was only if I let this thing between us persist and deep down I still was scared of letting him in.

I stood up from my chair and made my way to his lap. I straddled him, wrapping my arms around his neck. I knew that he was going to let it go for the time being when his hands rose to my thighs. He stroked my skin as he let his hands rise up my dress. Our mouths joined as I pushed my fingers into his dark hair. The grip on my backside tightened when scraped my nails lightly against his scalp. He stood up and turned so that he could lay me atop the table gently. He was leaned over me kissing down my jaw with his fingers gripping my panties when his phone rang in his pocket. I recognized the chime as his work tone, which I had been hearing more often lately. He sighed heavily as he buried his face in my neck. I chuckled while I combed my fingers through his hair. He stayed immobile for a few moments before I finally told him to answer it.

He groaned, but did as I suggested. He retracted from me, taking his warmth with him, and irritably answered the phone. He exchanged a few words and clipped responses before hanging up and none too gently put his phone on the counter. As he stalked over to me I sat up.

"Everything okay?" I asked shyly, as I reached for the bottom of his shirt and fiddled with it.
He took a deep breath as he leaned forward and placed his fisted hands on the table on either side of my hips. "Fine. Just a little behind on some things at work." He moved forward to kiss my chest and up my neck a little rougher than before our interruption.

I stroked the back of his neck while my legs wrapped around him and pulled him closer in an attempt to sooth him with my body. I could feel the agitation in his body as I asked him, "Is there anything I can do?"
He grunted then inhaled deeply with his nose was buried in the hollow behind my ear. "You're always trying to help everyone else." His lips moved against my skin, sending little tingles through me.

I was not sure how to answer so I lapsed into silence and let his lips feather over my neck on their way to my own. "You really want to know what you can do?" He asked with his lips brushing against my lips and his eyes gazing into mine. When I nodded he continued, "let's have lunch." Before I could even respond he was laughing because he knew I would glare at him.
"You're an ass." I slapped at his chest.

He grinned, "Your ass, though." he pecked me on the lips quickly before picking me up from the table.

My stomach churned with both uneasiness and delight at him claiming himself as mine.

Did that mean that I was supposed to be his?

It was a couple of weekends later and we had spent the whole day together in each other's pleasant company. I thought that the conversation about his house had be forgotten and put on the back burner for later, but it was still a small fire in his mind.

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