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Okay you guys this is it! Please enjoy and thank you for taking the time to read this little old story! - Lyse xoxo


It was Christmas in three days. It had been almost a month since I came back from New York. A month since I came back to Roman. A month of happiness and busyness on both of our parts. When I got back home my boss told me that he wanted me to do what was right for me, but was very happy that I decided not to leave.

That happiness resulted in a raise and a promotion. That promotion came with more responsibilities at one of the busiest times of the year for the newspaper: Christmas. Roman was understandably busy as he was getting settled into his new position and company. Every night we both came home tired, but we came home to each other and that made all of the difference.

We had decided to keep to ourselves the first couple of weeks after I came back. Both of us agreed that we just were not ready to start talking about everything with Nat and Avery quite yet. The time we had, we wanted to keep to ourselves, so we did. We spent it re-learning each other and the new versions of ourselves. Falling in love with the new and letting the old stay in the past.

I stopped being scared to tell him that I loved him or when I was having a hard time. I stopped trying to hide my illness from him. I stopped trying to cover my scars and I let him take his time to get acquainted with them.

He was patient with me, and understanding. When I told him about my urges or the way that my mind was telling to want or do certain things, he listened. There was never anger or frustration. He did not try to fix me or fight it off, because he finally understood that he could not do that and I did not want him to, I was my own savior.

"Honey, I'm home," Roman called as he came into the front door of my apartment, dragging the O in home out.

I giggled as I came out of my closet. I had gotten home maybe twenty minutes earlier and had just changed into some more comfortable clothes, which meant sweats, a tank top, and a jacket. I heard him move into the kitchen and put some stuff down while I moved into my bedroom. He was pulling off his jacket and loosening his tie as I approached him. A grin split his face while I reached up and gripped his tie to bring him down to my lips. After I briefly kissed him hello, I undid his tie and pulled it from his neck as he lovingly gazed at me.

"Hello darling, you look ravishing, absolutely gorgeous," he complimented and even though I laughed like he was joking around, I knew he meant it. "How was your day?" He asked as I put the tie on top of his jacket resting on the counter and then wound my arms around his torso.

"Busy, as usual," I informed him as I rested my face against him while his arms wrapped soothingly around me, "I picked up Jamie's gift today."

He squeezed me a little as he rubbed my back, "Oh that's great. So that's everyone then? Christmas shopping done?" He asked me to confirm.

"Did you get your parents?" I returned, because I did not remember him mentioning it and we had not gotten them anything when we shopped together.

"Shit, you're right. I was thinking some nice wine maybe? I could get my father some fancy glasses with his name on it? They aren't going to be back from their vacation until after the New Year anyway, so I've got some time," he bounced ideas off of me and I just nodded into his front, happy to just listen to his voice.

"Sounds good," I murmured, soaking him in for a few more moments before pulling away.

He loosened his hold enough for me to pull back and look up at him, and then asked me, "You wanna help me cook dinner or does my baby need to relax?"

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