Learning the Earthlings

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Back on Earth, in the room where Shadow was sleeping at. He woke up and spots a snack machine but he doesn't understand why it's protected by the glass for no reason.

"Snack must be food. I know it" Shadow said, ignoring the injuries on his body and slowly walks up to the snack machine. He punched through the glass and grabs blue snack bag that says 'Doritos'. He's not sure what this is but when he takes a bite on the snack bag, it doesn't taste like food or anything.

"Bleah! This doesn't taste like food" Shadow grimaced and shakes the snack bag a little. When he heard that he realizes something, "Hey, its food in it" he tears it open. He saw the chips inside the 'Doritos' bag and picks one out; he sniffs it and takes a bite of it. It tasted crunchy but doesn't know what flavor this is.

"Tastes good and crunchy. This food tastes better than on my planet" he said with his mouthful. He grabs the whole snack bags from the snack machine to eat. He returns to the bed and placed the bags next to him, still eating chips.

"But I can't just eat the chips. I need something to drink" he went back and saw a Gatorade vending machine next to the broken snack machine and that it also has the protection glass too. Just as he was about to punch the glass, someone opened the door and stopped him.

"What are you doing?" it was Nebula.

He gasped in fright and looks at her standing near the door, "Um, looking for a drink. I already broke the other machine for food" Shadow said.

Nebula saw the broken glass pieces on the floor, "Oh, but you got to pay for it"

Shadow raised a brow in confusion, "What?"

"Oh, sorry. You don't have vending machines on your planet. Let me show you" Nebula said and walks up to him where he's standing near the Gatorade vending machine, "All right. Tell me which color of Gatorade drink you want? The color means a different flavor" she said.

"I pick the.....orange one" Shadow pointed at the orange Gatorade.

"Okay, first you insert a coin and press the code button" Nebula shows Shadow how it's working, she inserts a quarter coin and she pressed the two codes for the orange drink. The orange Gatorade aisle was pushed off the edge and falls down to the bottom. Nebula kneels down and pushed the opening lid up to grab the Gatorade and hands it to Shadow.

"Wow. I need that type of technology on my planet" Shadow said, picking up the can and opens it. Walking back to where the piles of snack bags are on the bed.

"Sorry that I broke the other machine" Shadow said with his ears down.

"It's alright since you don't have your own money right now. I'll just tell them that it was an accident" Nebula said.

"Alright, mind if I keep those chips bags? The snacks in them are the best thing I've tasted" Shadow held up one bag.

"I don't mind. Just don't eat too fast. It can give you a tummy ache" Nebula said and walks up to the curtains to open them up for the sunlight to shine in.

"Is that glowing thing a star?" Shadow asked Nebula.

"Yes but that's called the sun. The biggest star in our solar system" Nebula said.

"But where's the stars? I don't see them in this....blushish sky" Shadow said.

"It's still there all the time. The sun is just too bright. Um....you don't have a sun at your planet?" Nebula asked.

"No, I was born that planet. It has nearly no atmosphere and no sun. No plants, almost nothing but my race" Shadow said.

"My god" Nebula gasp quietly.

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