Egypt part 2: The Sphinx

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Nebula couldn't believe this. She looked into the alien hedgehog's ruby red eyes that he was telling the truth and how sorry he was for being a jerk to her. She hugged him and had tears in her eyes which are not sadness, they were tears of joy.

"So you forgive me now Nebula?" Shadow asked her.

"Yes Shadow. I forgive you. But was it Eclipse who sent the monsters to kill me?" Nebula was curious.

"Yes. I can't believe my brother would do that. But we gotta keep an eye out. He's probably in outer-space right now" Shadow said.

"Yes. Let's get back to Hex's house" Nebula said.

"Also, my father wanted the chaos emeralds to become invincible and destroy Earth I bet. We better tell the others. Don't worry, I already forgave them too" Shadow said.

"So that's why he sent you? To destroy this planet?" Nebula wondered.

"That wasn't what I planned to do. My father gave me a mission to find the chaos emeralds but he didn't tell me to destroy the Earth" Shadow said.

"Alright this is serious. Let's go!" Nebula pulled Shadow by his arm and ran to Hex's house.


In space, Eclipse has seen everything through his spaceship's screen.

"I had a feeling you have turned against the black arms. Consider our family tree broken" Eclipse said.

He goes for his next Alien monster, a Scorpion/Spider like monster that both spin web and use poison.

"You'll be the next one to kill her. Your poison can kill a person in just an hour, and they don't know a cure" Eclipse said, "And yes Latro, kill Shadow's friends too" he said.


Back on Earth, Shadow was glad that his earthling friends are not mad at him anymore.

"Glad the whole thing of being mean is over Shadow" Hex said.

"Yeah. I'm so confused who to trust now but now my trust is to you all" Shadow said.

"Here's a way to trust who. Trust doesn't come from you head, it comes from your heart" Hex said.

"Okay. Well we'll seek for the chaos emerald later" Shadow said.

"Yup. We need to come over this day event" Nebula said.

"Sure. The guestrooms are over there" Hex showed them the guestrooms.

"Okay. I guess we go sightseeing here too Hex. And uh is that yours?" Silver sees a pet cobra.

" that cobra your pet? No offense but don't you think it's dangerous?" Blaze asked.

"No he's totally mellow. And my Anubis servants will help you with anything you like, come here now" Hex snaps her fingers, making four servants of hers appear.

"Wow, Anubis statues?" Blaze said.

"Yep. Tell them what you want" Hex said.

Blaze then clears her throat and says to them "May I have a foot-massage with fruits?"

"With pleasure. Follow us" one of the Anubis statues said, leading her to the couch where they remove her shoes.

"Wow. Is Egypt a place of royalties?" Shadow asked.

"In ancient times they were" Hex said.

"Okay. My so called traitor to father is emperor of Planet Doom" Shadow said.

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