Egypt part 3: Yellow Chaos Emerald

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While walking in the underground tomb underneath the Sphinx, Shadow and his earthling friends are still wearing the face covering veil since this underground tomb smells rotten and ancient.

"Big-Ass-Rat, man. I know you like rats but this is no time for lunch break, Hex" Nebula said, ignoring the rats squeaking.

"Yes but they look delicious" Hex said, flickering her tongue under the veil but no use to smell through it.

"Forget the rat. We got an emerald to get" Shadow scoffs. They were unaware danger was inside the tunnels.

"Man, I hate tombs. Filled with disgusting rats and spiders, and corpses" Nebula shivered.

"Well at least there are no human corpses here in the Sphinx" Hex said.

"Or is it?" Nebula asked.

"How are mummies different to corpses?" Shadow asked.

"You don't wanna know but I'll just say it. Mummies are wrapped in bandages and their vital organs are removed" Nebula said.

"Incredible" Shadow said.

"But they keep the heart in the body. The eyes are replaced with jewels or stones, the brain are shredded apart too" Nebula added.

"Okay. On my planet out corpses becomes like dust" Shadow said with a slightly greenish muzzle, hinting disgust.

Above them, some slimy saliva drops on the floor, they looked up to see the Latro creature, the scorpion/spider like alien monster. It growls at them and jumps down, swinging its long tail with a venomous stinger full of poison.

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"Oh, boy. I don't think he's friendly" Hex backs away slowly.

"SCREEEEEEEEEEEERCH!!!" the Latro leaps at them and grabs Shadow and Nebula by the claws, but Nebula uses her blasts to get off it and gets into position to fight the beast.

"Is this one of your brother's alien friends?" Nebula asked Shadow.

"Yes. We call this the Latro!" Shadow yelled. Then the Latro attempts to sting Nebula but she dodges it. Shadow's red streaks glowed and he breaks free from the claws to fight it. He then uses his chaos rage to beat the Latro. But the alien monster uses its web to glue Shadow on the wall.

"Shadow!" Nebula gasped, "THAT'S IT!!! I'M GONNA SQUASH YOU LIKE A BUG YOU MONSTER!!!" her eyes glowed purple.

The Latro turns to her and uses its web to glue her feet to the floor but missed when Nebula flies over.

"ARRRGGHHH!!!!!" she fires a purple energy beam at the Latro's tail stinger.

The stinger exploded and its poison splatters everywhere. The Latro growls angrily at Nebula and pounced on her with its eight lets, about to bite her head off. That until Hex appeared and throws a pink blast at it.

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