Shadow's New Home

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After the celebration of the honoring of Shadow; whole group, now called Team Shadow were at the Research Astronomy facility to have a wild party.

"It sure is great to be welcomed home" Shadow said to Nebula.

"Yeah. You can stay here as long you want to. But permanent would do better" Nebula said. Just then, the doors burst open and a green hedgehog stood there.

"Hello there! Forgot to invite me" Scourge grinned and goes up to Nebula.

"Get out of here, Scourge!" Nebula snarled.

"Fiona was quite boring so I want you back now!" Scourge pulled her close.

"Get away from me your pervert!" Nebula slapped him in the face.

"OW!!" Scourge winced.

"You heard her! Get away from her!" Shadow pulls Nebula away from Scourge.

"Hmph! So this is your new boyfriend, Nebula? You can do better than that. He's an alien. I'm 10 times better than this monster!" Scourge growled.

"He's no monster, Scourge! You are!" Nebula points at him and her eyes glowed purple, "I've realized you were not the one for me! I was stupid to trust you and to fall in love with you!"

"That was in the past! I've changed and I promise I won't break your heart again" Scourge acting sweet.

Nebula shook her head, "No, Scourge! You never changed at all! You were a player and a cheater. You promised me you would never break my heart but you lied. And you really think that I'll forgive you this time? You're wrong! So get out of my life!" she yelled in his face.

"I'm not leaving until you're mine again!" Scourge grabbed her arm and dragged her to the door.

"Get away from her!" Shadow punched Scourge and grabs Nebula, pulling her away from the green hedgehog.

"Ow.....Oh, yeah?! What are you gonna do about that?! She's mine!" Scourge glared.

"This!" Shadow smirked and turned into his three eyed alien form. The same thing he did the last time in Italy, "*SCREEEEEEEEECH*" he screeched like an alien, showing his sharp razor fangs and claws.

"Whoa!" Scourge backed off in fear and stumbles against the wall while the people aren't there to help him since he's rude for barging in the party, "Don't eat me!"

Shadow morphs back to normal and chuckled at the green hedgehog's reaction, "I won't. But if you ever lay a finger on Nebula again I'll make your life a living hell" he glared and grabs Scourge's jacket collar, pulling him up close to his face, "Now.....get out of here" he said coldly and shoved him roughly at the door.

Without a word, Scourge ran away from Shadow out the building.

"Dude! That was badass!" Sonic cheered, "You kicked his ass!"

Everyone in the party cheered out wildly for their alien hero.

"Thank you" Shadow bowed to them.

"Thank you for saving me Shadow. Did you see the look at Scourge's face when you scared the hell out of him?" Nebula giggled and hugs him.

"Yeah. He got literally greener" Shadow chuckled.

"Yup. You're strong like a tiger" Nebula grinned.

"Rawr" Shadow growled playfully and smirked.

"Say, Shadow. Do you know how to do a dance-break?" Sonic asked.

"No" Shadow shook his head.

"Me and Amy can show you" Sonic said.

"This is called windmill move" Sonic showed Shadow how it's done, he laid on his back and spins around with his feet in the air. He then spins his upper body as well with the legs touching the ground and lifting in the air at the same time by swinging the feet.

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