Italy part 3: Green Chaos Emerald

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A while later after saying good bye to Venice and Avani, they go back to Tornado to get to Rome where the green chaos emerald is at the Roman Colosseum.

"I checked again guys for the Green chaos emerald. It's not in the forum of Rome but in the Colosseum itself, in the hallways where the arena was having its battles, there's no sand floor on the arena right now" Tails said.

"So it must be underneath the Colosseum. There's gotta be a secret passage or something in the arena" Knuckles said.

"I believe it's where they used to keep the animals in" Tails said.

"That means we got to get pass the guards" Knuckles said.

"Oh, man. How can they put the animals in there? They don't do those things anymore" Nebula said.

"That was in the past. They do no such thing anymore. We won't do that again" Tails said.

They found the Colosseum but there were no people or tourists in there which was quite odd and how quiet it is. All of a sudden, chariot horses neighed in fear, galloping really fast for no reason to get away from the Colosseum.

"Watch out!" Silver moved out of the way. Everyone moved out of the way too.

"What's going on here?!" Nebula gasped.

"Un mostro! Tutti scappare! E 'nel Colosseo! Correre per la vostra vita!" one of the tourists running away, passing the heroes. Along with everyone screaming in horror.

(Eng: A monster! Everybody run away! It's in the Colosseum! Run for your lives!)

"What are they saying?" Blaze asked Silver.

"They're saying there's a monster in the Colosseum" Silver said.

Nebula gasped at what she saw; a non-mobian horse injured badly outside the Colosseum. She runs towards the horse and calms it down that she's not gonna hurt him.

"'s okay. I'm here to help. Now don't move" Nebula's hand glowed purple and she touched the horse's wound on its hind leg to heal it.

The horse stopped neigh in pain and looked confused what she's doing. She had healed its hind leg.

"There, go and find your owner" Nebula said to the horse, it then ran away to find its owner. The heroes go to the guards to ask what's going on.

"Cosa sta succedendo? E quale mostro aspetto aveva?" Silver asked in Italian.

(Eng: What's going on? And what monster did it look like?)

"A proposito di pochi minuti fa. Sembra un centauro!" one of the guards said.

(Eng: About a few minutes ago. It looks like a centaur!)

"What did they say?" Shadow asked.

"They said that the monster looked like a centaur" Silver said.

"A centaur? I never heard it. What is that?" Shadow asked.

"It's a mythological creature with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a horse" Nebula said.

"Oh. Let's go in there and see where it is" Shadow said.

"Ci occuperemo di questo. Abbiamo ottenuto superpotenze" Silver tells the guards.

(Eng: We'll deal with this. We got superpowers.)

"Davvero?" One guard asked.

(Eng: For real?)

Silver showed that his tattoos on his palms glowed and he opens the gates himself without hands.

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