Super Shadow

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When the light died out Shadow has turned into....Super Shadow. His black fur was now golden yellow and it shines brightly like the sun.

"He used the chaos emeralds" Knuckles gasped.

"Have it your way Shadow. So be it! Be prepared to meet your maker! Your past, present and future ends here today!!! Prepare to die Shadow! MEET MY TRUE WRATH!!!" Black Doom teleported away when Shadow tries to hit him. He then turned to see Black Doom now transformed into Devil Doom.

"I GAVE YOU LIFE AND YET YOU BETRAY ME! YOU SHALL PAY WITH YOUR INGRATITUDE WITH RALENTLESS PAIN!!!" Devil Doom yelled. He levitates many boulders from the largest mountain of Angel Island and threw them at Super Shadow. But Super Shadow blasts them all and dodges them, flying towards his evil father. When Super Shadow tries to hit the Eye of Doom, it moves to the other head on the back.

Super Shadow blasts him some and then made a temporary time stop to make an injury on the eye.

"AAARGH!" Devil Doom screamed in pain as the time stop ended.

"You see what happens, father!" Super Shadow yelled and spin-dashes at the wings.

"URGH! You wretched traitor!" Devil Doom yelled.

Super Shadow takes one of the chaos emeralds and shouts, "CHAOS CONTROL!!!" he fires a large blast that knocks Devil Doom back.

While he's battling his evil father, the whole world was fighting against the alien Black Arms and they were winning.

In Egypt, Hex and other mobians with powers are killing every alien in the way.

"GRRRR!!!! I won't let you win, monsters! This is my home I was born in! KYAAAAHH!!!!!" Hex fires a bad luck beam at them.

In Italy, Avani and Venice were not gonna back down and let the Black Arms win.

"Come on, aliens! Show me what you got!" Venice fires a psychic blast at them.

"Are you sweating like hell, monsters?! Here's how to cool you down!" Avani fires ice beams at them, freezing them.

Even the non-mobian animals in the wild from the Amazon jungle, Tanzania, India, Australia, and more are fighting against the aliens. Some were injured or killed but more animals are working together as a team to save the Earth. Even predators that usually like to hunt for their favorite prey are now simply helping out but that doesn't mean they'll be friends when the war is over.


Back with Super Shadow, he's still not gonna give up and he's not getting tired.

"Come and get me!" Super Shadow yelled and uses another chaos control at Devil Doom.


"Shadow! Hurry up before your super-form runs out of energy!" Knuckles shouted.

"Got it!" Super Shadow said, noticing his fur fading from gold to black and red, then back to gold, "Alright, let's finish this!" he yelled, charging at one of Devil Doom's heads and makes a hard spin-dash strong enough to....


.....make it explode. Now it was only one head left with the eye of doom attached. Now that's over, Super Shadow does one last thing before he runs out of energy in his super-form.

"CHAOS CONTROL!!!" he screamed and the huge golden blast within him restores the whole planet Earth back to normal. The red sky and red clouds vanishes away, the damaged cities and famous landmarks restores back to normal; the wildlife, damaged trees, and other land areas around the world gets restored to normal. The Black Arm aliens simply turn to dust and die away.

The humans, mobians, and non-mobian animals cheered in victory that their planet is saved.

"He did it! He did it!" Sonic cheered and hugs Amy.

"YES! He did it Sonikku!" Amy cheered, she then kissed him.

"Im... impossible! I am the supreme being that rules this universe! I am the immortal life form! I am the ultimate power!!!! AAAAAHHHH" Devil Doom screamed as he vanishes from the world. Super Shadow flies down to the city and turns back to normal and pants out in exhaustion for using too much energy.

"Thank God.....that's over...." he panted heavily.


Later at Station Square, the humans and mobians were cheering and clapping for their alien hero Shadow who was standing near the mayor.

"I'm proud of you Shadow for saving our lives and home from the Black Arms. In honor of your duty we have raised a statue for you" the mayor pulled off a cover of a golden statue of Shadow in midtown. The label said our city's savior.

"YAAAAAAH!!!" the public cheered and Shadow approached to have his speech.

"Thank you, thank you. It's an honor to be welcomed here on Earth. I realized that this is my true home. I got my true allies and found that friendship gives you full confidence and bravery. I will always be around to support the innocent people on this planet. Thank you all very much"

Just then, the people moved out of the way to make a path for someone to see Shadow. Shadow couldn't believe his eyes, he saw someone familiar standing a few feet away from him. It was Nebula; fully alive and smiling to see him. The stab wound was fully healed and no longer bleeding anymore. She also replaced the torn shirt that was blood stained to a new one.

"NEBULA!!!" Shadow jumped off the stage and ran towards her.

"SHADOW!!!" Nebula ran to him too.

They hugged each other and laughed. Shadow had happy tears in his eyes and he stayed in this position of the hug. He was never gonna leave her side, ever.

"You're alive!" Shadow said in happiness.

"Yes, I am. Thank you for reviving me back" Nebula said, she had happy tears in her eyes, "You saved Earth and everyone around the world. I'm so proud of you, Shadow"

"Me too" Shadow said. They kissed each other and their friends watched this. Rouge then kissed Knuckles on the cheek.

"Happily ever after man" Knuckles muttered.

"Guess that makes him and I the fastest things alive" Sonic said.

"Yup" Tails nodded.

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