Chapter 19- Because I Got High

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Luke called me, angry. I had quit coming to group. I tried to tell everyone that I could take three counseling appointments a week, but Max didn't want me stressing. School was more important. So, he was over. We had caught up. I told him about me stay at crazy town and he told me about a cute hairstyle he thought I should try. He was flamboyantly gay.

"So you're alright now though. Right?" I nodded. "Yeah. Well, trying to be." He nodded. The one thing about Luke that I appreciated was that he didn't pry. He understood when I didn't want to talk about something. "That's good. I'm glad you're okay though. Its really great." I smiled. "So how are things? With you ands your boyfriend?"

"Good, I guess. I barely spent time with him when I got back. Only a night and now he's working double shifts to be able to buy his graduation stuff. Like the gown and the cap and shit. I'd be doing that too if Max didn't take me in." Luke nodded. "Must be nice. To have money like that. I only get money from the state for three more months. Then I'll be 18 and I'll have to get a job."

"It's not that nice. Money doesn't matter to me." He rolled his eyes. "It's true. When have you ever seen me caring about money? I was broke growing up, I never got the shit I wanted." He shrugged. "Maybe. But money makes the world go round." Just as he finished saying that, Lizzie cams down the stairs, throwing a glare at me. "Hello brother, brothers friend. What is this? The anorexia club?" I rolled my eyes. "Fuck you." I shot back. I couldn't be bothered with arguing with a child. not when I was told to stay on the safe side.

I watched her walk into the kitchen. "She's a bitch." I nodded. "Yeah. Thank god she's only half of my blood." He laughed. After. Few moments if watching the silenced TV, Luke turned to me. "I forgot to tell you, I have a surprise." He took out a tiny little baggy half full of green herb.

"You're shitting me." He shook his head. "Nope. I've been waiting all day. Just to share it with you." I shook my head. "Luke...I haven't smoked since 10th grade. And even then it was cheap ass weed." He tsk'd. "Well this isn't the cheap shit. You need a break, and I'm here to give it to you. So get your ass up, and lets smoke this shit in my car. I couldn't say no. I'd been itching to smoke something.

So I ran upstairs to get some random cologne and followed Luke to his car. I got in the passenger seat and waited as he started the car, driving down the road to a path. The path went into the woods, and that hid us from view. I watched as he pulled out a pipe and a lighter, stuffing the herb inside. He then looked at me. "First puff?" he asked. I nodded, taking it from him. I was never good at inhaling smoke. It took me countless packs of cigarettes to get it right.

I put the end of the pipe to my mouth and lit the tip, inhaling. Letting it fill my lungs the way I used to try to let it do. Only it was the weak shit, so it didn't affect me. But this? It felt great. I held the smoke in as long as I dared before letting it go, through both my nose and my mouth. I closed my eyes, passing the pipe to Luke. "It's been too long," I muttered, taking the pipe in my hand again, repeating what I had done, lighting it for longer, this time. Pushing my lungs to the absolute limit.

By the fifth hit, I was already feeling the calm, casting its beautiful shadow on me. The happiness. The one thing they don't tell you about drugs? How perfect it feels to get high. How wonderful everything is. How it looks. Everything really is chill. I couldn't give a shit less that I hadn't eaten since yesterday. I couldn't give a shit less about my shitty past. All I cared about was staying calm. Taking the pipe again and again. I didn't even need to, we had completely hot-boxed the car. We were breathing high. I couldn't be happier.

"You want to hear something fucked up?" Luke asked turned to me. His eyes were glasses over and red. This was funny to me. I laughed and shook my head. "Nope." He giggled. "I hooked up with this random guy from a bar I snuck into and I changed my number so he would stop calling me yesterday." I laughed. "You're a virgin, you lying fuck,"

"We didn't have sex. I sucked his dick." I laughed again. "It is fucked up. That I'm just now learning how slutty you are." We stayed quiet, practically marinating in the smell of marijuana. I had half a mind to ask to open a window. So it could air out. So we could be sober by the time we needed to get back, which was about in an hour, but I really didn't give a shit. "I want to tell you a ducked up thing now," my words were slurring. "I can't feel anything went Shane kisses me. Or touches me. I can't even remember the sex we had a couple days ago. I used to feel like I was on fire. Now I just feel like I'm covered in bubble wrap. "

"That's deep." I nodded. "Too bad I can't tell him."


I sprayed myself so many times, my eyes stung. They were still red as fuck. Luke didn't have eye drops. I was in deep shit. We were parked down the road from my house. "Thanks for a fun ass time. Now I'm dead meat." I told him. Max's car wasn't in the driveway but I never knew. I could never know. He would be able to tell because Lizzie always comes home high. "Maybe he's not home, like you said. It won't be that bad."

Just get in quietly.

I got out of the car after a small wave to Luke. I walked up the street to the house. It didn't look like he was home, but I never wanted to be too sure of myself. I pulled out my key and unlocked the door, letting myself in.

To my relief no one was home. I went upstairs quickly to the bathroom. I stripped and got in the shower. It was about an hour before I got out. I put eye drops in and got dressed. I felt a thousand times better. That was the most fun I'd had in months. When I finally got downstairs, Max was already home. In the kitchen, waiting for me. I gulped.

"Three hours. you were supposed to be here three hours ago. You need your medicine and to be fed, and you should know that. It should be the first thing on your mind, above all else." My eyes got prickly. "I'm so sorry Max. I forgot." He shook his head. "It's no acceptable." I let a tear slid down my cheek. "I know. I just...I lost track of time, I wasn't thinking."

"Just take your medicine." I did as I was told. I went and opened the medicine cabinet that was locked at night, and took my meds. All of them. I turned back towards Max. Trying not to cry. It wasn't that big of a deal. Not to most. But I wanted to impress Max. I wanted him to be proud of me. And right now he was pissed.

"You're grounded. For a week. Its for your own health. No Shane, no friends. Just school, medicine, food. This is about getting better, not being forgetful." It was fair. I was an idiot. A complete fucktard. I didn't deserve Max. I was a shitty human being. I nodded.

Getting high wasn't such a good idea. Even though it felt good, I just couldn't afford to get careless. Not when my life depended on it.

~ okay so I got un-writers blocked. at least for this chapter.

I have to go to my partner's house tomorrow for the project :/. it won't be fun because I have zero social skills and she intimidate me because I just met her, but at least I won't be stressed as much. then on Thursday I have to buy a b-day present and on Friday I have my project due and I get to leave all weekend to go to see three of my bestest friends play soccer in Tukwila for semi-state finals or something Idek but I'm excited because it will be a fun little road trip and we're stayng in a hotel and dude it's cool that they actually want me there to cheer them on.

so I'll be busy the rest of the week so I wrote this out quickly just because yeah. I was waiting to do the whole getting high thing for later on, but it doesn't matter. btw I don't think I've ever been this high before so Idk if this actually happens, I just see my brother high a lot oops.

Oh and in honor of my pothead brother, the song Because I Got High by Afroman got the title because it's one of his old favorites.


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