Chapter 30- Floorboards

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"You've reached level five in our FirstStep program. How proud are you?" I shrugged. "Proud...I guess." Today was my last day. They were actually letting me out of this bitch. Even Fred got to leave before me. But it was shitty for him because he got put in a home for the mentally disabled up in Canada. I got to go home. See Max. See our house. And then I'm leaving in a week to go to college. As soon as this lady shut up.

"I think you'll go on to do wonderful things in your life. Reach high. Reach real high." I zoned out. I couldn't stand the obnoxious pitch in her voice. I'd like to say that I became better at my people skills, but then I'd be lying. Today I even ignored in of the nurses because she called me the wrong name. I hated people. By the time I left, it would be tomorrow. If I wasn't gone by three in the afternoon, Max would have to start paying out of his own pocket.

"Lily, wrap it up," someone said over the intercom. "The poor boy's dad is here." My ears perked up at that. "Oh...right, well have a safe trip home and a good life." I stood, picked up my bag and slung it over my shoulder. We exited the room we were in and soon I was in the front of the building. Max stood at the front desk, signing papers. As he was finishing, he turned. "Hey," he said. I smiled at him. "Hi." We left the building. It was really hot out. I would have to get summery clothes. All I had were pants and mostly sweatshirts.

We reached his car, and I got in, buckling up. Max got in and opened the glove compartment. He pulled out a box. "I got you a gift. Since your birthday past while you were in there." I smiled at him gratefully. "You didn't have to." He shrugged and handed me the box. He started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. I opened the box, to reveal an IPhone.

"You need one. Especially since you're going to college."

"I think I vaguely remember telling you I hated Apple products," I joked. He chuckled. "Well, learn to stop hating them." The rest of the car ride was spent in silence. I didn't have much to say. I was just glad to be heading home. And nervous. I didn't want to wig out again. I was feeling 100% better, but there was an underlying nervousness I couldn't shake.

Don't mess it up this time.

I was coming home a brand new person. Maybe I'd learn to feel pain instead of run from it. I'd learn to enjoy things. I'd learn to expirence things for what they were. Maybe I'd learn to be happy. Truely happy.

I looked out the window happily. Everything seemed brighter. Better. "So I moved you back into your old room. I hope that's okay." I nodded. "Yeah. Thanks."

"I changed the carpet and stuff. I know you won't be at home for much longer, but it will be nice to come back to if you even need it." I turned to Max. He was trying to indescreetly say goodbye. "Two weeks." I whispered. "I'm leaving in two weeks. Its sort of a long time from now." Max shook his head. "No its not."

I watched as he turned onto the road that would lead us to the house. I could use a good nights sleep in my bed again. I missed not waking up aching. "Do you think you could make some food when we get home?" I asked. He chuckled. "Hungry?" I nodded. "I hated the food there."

We finally got home, and I stood outside for a few minutes. Enjoying the fresh air. It had been too long since I could just stand and admire my surroundings. "You coming?" I turned to Max who was at the open door. I nodded and gingerly picked my way up the stairs. Inside hadn't changed. It was cooler than outside and bright. I went upstairs and my bedroom door was open.

The walls were the same dark blue color. The carpet was white, rather than the beige color it had been before. My bed sat against the far wall, the familiar end tables on either side. My closet was closed, and the dresser seemed to be in the same place. "I washed everything for you." Max muttered from behind me. "Thanks," I said, entering the room setting my bag down on the bed. I looked around some more, happy. Then I turned towards Max.

"So...I'm a little nervous. Scared even. About being home. I got so used to having a schedule and people to calm me down when things got hard...and then going off the college on my own. In another state even..." I stopped ranting and blushed in embarrassing.

"You'll be fine. I promise. Not a lot of people can say they went through what you did. College will be a breeze. Don't be afraid to do things just because you're alone." I smiled gratefully. "Thanks...really. For everything."

He left, to go downstairs. I searched for my laptop, which he had placed in a draw in my end side table. I turned it on and looked through the music I had. I had been thinking of Pierce The Veil a lot this past week. I didn't hate them as mush as I made it seem. I looked through the songs Shane had taken time to download in secret. I had been angry for a while. But it was such a long time ago.

Hold On 'Till May was the first on the list. I clicked it and turned the volume up. I got up and started unpacking the bag I had. The intro didn't interest me. It was only the lead singers whiny voice that I only just realized was sort of attractive. And then the hook came along and suddenly I understood why Shane had favorited this song.

And as the sun went down,

We ended up on the ground,

I heard the train shake the windows,

You screamed over the sound.

And as we own this night,

I put your body to the test with mine,

This love was out of control,

3, 2, 1, where did it go?

It was like a tribute to our whole relationship. I suppose it made me sad, but it made me glad too. Because if I hadn't given him anything at all, at least I'd accomplished liking his favorite band. At least a little.

~ Floorboards by Real Friends

tomorrows a new year and i dont even have a resolution yet :(

BUT i started a new story and idek when i'll post it on here but im super excited because its going to be unlike anything i've written before. maybe if i can tonight i'll start making a cover and stuff its fuggin cold out here though bye

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