Part 25

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Chapter 25

“And how exactly are you planning to do that?”

Amy winced at the low tone Asher used.  She knew as soon as she had said the word proof, they'd react this way.  She stared at her older brother, watching as the grip he had on the steering wheel tightened.  “I told Greg I would meet him.  You must not have been listening then.”

“Of course we weren’t,” Carson said with a snort as he glanced over his shoulder.  “We were too busy growing grey hair after that rainbow comment.”

“It’s too dangerous,” Logan said as he shook his head at her.  “They know who you are, they know where Jaxon is, and now they know that the two of you will most likely be together.”

“Plus,” Spencer said, adding in his opinion as he turned around to look at her.  “I’m guessing that Greg told you to meet him loud enough for the both of them to hear.”  She nodded her head making him frown.  “What if they try snagging you during that meeting?  Logan’s right; it’s too dangerous.”

“They won’t even know where I am,” she argued, feeling frustration bloom in her chest.  “If I thought I was going to put someone in danger, I would have told Greg not to come.  They won’t know where we’re going to meet.  No one but Greg and I even know where our place is.”

A look passed between her brothers that she didn’t even want to attempt to interpret.  Beside her, Jaxon’s hand slipped into hers.  “They’re just worried, Amy, and as much as I hate saying this, I agree with them.  Even if they don’t know where this place is, they could still follow him.  It’s just not safe at the moment for you to be anywhere but at your parent’s house.”

She wanted to tug her hand away from his grip, but when he squeezed her hand in comfort, she reined in her feelings.  Deep down, she knew they were right, that it was dangerous.  It was even stupid for her to consider meeting Greg after that man’s veiled threat in the doctor’s office, but she couldn’t just stay locked up in her room while everyone else did all the work.  Greg had what she needed, he had proof, and without him, she wouldn’t be able to move on with her life.

Marshall wouldn’t have what he needed to find justice.  Jaxon wouldn’t have the information he needed to get out of the mess that he was in, and she would still be the same person she’s always been, the one who let other people take on her problems as she ran from them.  A deep breath left her mouth as she tried once more to pull her thoughts in order.

“I want to help.”

“We know,” Spencer whispered, “but we really can’t risk it, Amy.  We love you too much to let you put yourself in that position.” 

“Can we just talk about this when we get home?” Carson asked.  “If I strain my neck any further, I’ll have to take time off work for injuries.”

Amy smiled at his words, knowing he was doing exactly what he had always done; he was easing the tension around them.  Spencer was their glue, keeping them away from one another and pushing them together when it was needed, but Carson was the much needed laughter after a day of tension.  “Sure,” she agreed, readily, knowing that once she was back at the house, away from danger completely, she’d have a better chance at changing her brothers’ minds.

“Since we’re changing the subject,” Asher said from the driver’s seat.  “How about we talk about the two men back at the office?”

Jaxon tensed beside her, and Amy almost wished that her and her brother’s could continue their argument.  “I’ve already told you that Dr. Jacobs is the man who would patch us up when we needed it.  Everyone just called him Jacobs; so I had no idea the man was actually a doctor.”

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