Part 10

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Chapter 10

Amy watched as Logan’s fingers flew over his keyboard, only stopping for seconds to move his mouse to another spot before typing again.  He had once tried teaching her what he knew, said that it would be useful to her in the long run, but besides the basic computer tasks she had learned in college, she had no clue as to what went on when Logan sat down at a computer.  She knew that he was a genius when it came to them.  He could hack into any government sites he wanted to, but lucky for the government, he worked for them.  It made Logan dangerous; one of his people had once told her.  It was the only reason why Logan couldn’t get away from the government even if he wanted to.  He was too big of a liability to let go.

A small smile turned the corner of her lips.  She knew this was what he really enjoyed doing.  Anything technology related and her brother was on it in a second.  Amy had a feeling it was because computers didn’t talk back as he made it do what he wanted.  It was probably the easiest tasks in his life, because she knew for a fact that she hadn’t made his life any easier.  She only made it harder, and now, she brought him into this mess.  Should she have called him?  Logan would say yes, but the more she watched him, the longer she stood there, the less she believed she had made the right decision.  He wouldn’t have involved her, wouldn’t want her to be put in danger, but when the time came, she didn’t hesitate to put him in danger.  What kind of sister did that make her?

“It’s nice having a Navy SEAL in the family,” Jaxon mumbled.  Amy turned towards him, noticing his eyes weren’t on the computer or the particular SEAL he was speaking about.  His eyes were directly on her, and if she didn’t mistake the emotion in his eyes, he was worried, but about what?

“Former,” Logan muttered as he clicked away on his keypad some more.

Jaxon raised an eyebrow at her in question, making her shrug in reply.  “He still works with them, but only as a consultant.  Once his tour was up, he opted out signing up for another year.”  She glanced away as guilt hit her.  She was the reason why he hadn’t signed up another year.  He had worried after her, just like all her brothers, but whereas the others kept living their life, Logan seemed to put his on hold.

As if sensing her thoughts, Logan paused in his work to frown at her.  “I didn’t quit for you, Amy.  After my years were up, I knew that wasn’t what I wanted to do with the rest of my life.”  He motioned towards the dormant laptop on the counter.  “This is what I love to do, not sniper people from a roof a hundred yards away.”

“Hundred yards?” Jaxon interrupted, causing Logan to turn his from on him.

“Give or take some.  We had to get close.”

“Close?  That’s the size of a football field.”

Logan scrunched his eyes at Jaxon in confusion before shrugging and turning back towards her.  “You know it wasn’t because of what happened, Amy.  I stopped because I wanted to, not because I felt obligated.  Plus, it’s not like I still don’t work with them every once in a while.”

He said the last words with a smile before he turned back to the machine.  The sound of his fingers clicking against the keys on the computer was the only noise in the room.  She could feel Jaxon’s eyes on her, could feel his curiosity.  He was just going to have to suffer, because no matter how comfortable she felt with the guy, she wasn’t about to share her past with him.  She let out a deep breath, knowing that her thoughts were hypocritical.  As soon as he had started giving her information into his life, he had been an open book, while she held back anything she could.

“Amy,” Jaxon started as he took as step towards her.  She could see it in his eyes, knew that his next words were going to be questions about what happened.

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