Part 7

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Chapter 7

Amy kept her eyes on the form lying on her Uncle Bernie’s couch.  Even as she quietly walked across the wood floor in the living room, she did not glance away from him.  She didn’t want him to wake, didn’t want to explain why she was sneaking out of the cabin in the middle of the night.  He had warned her away from doing anything stupid. He had told her that her help wasn’t needed, that she wasn’t high profile enough.  His words had only spurred her along. The more he protested her help, the more she wanted to help.

Her hand gripped the doorknob leading to the outside world, and as she eased the door opened, she winced when it creaked.  Her eyes stayed on Jaxon, expecting him to jump from the couch, but he didn’t move an inch.  Letting out the breath she hadn’t realized she had been holding, she slipped through the small opening the door had created.  With gentle motions, she pushed the door shut before locking it behind her.  Even if she knew he was going to be angry when she returned, she wanted to make sure there would be someone to return to.  It wouldn’t bode well to have the man she wanted to protect be attacked in the middle of the night simply because she forgot to lock the door.

Gravel crunching beneath her feet, she made her way towards her car.  There was a chance that as soon as the engine started, Jaxon would wake, but she would already be on her way.  He’d have no chance to stop her, not with her driving down the long driveway and him being on foot.  Grabbing the handle to her car door, she smiled as it opened without a noise.  Her brothers had always made sure that her vehicle was in good shape; they even went as far as stealing it a couple times a month to have it checked over.  When she would step out of the school and find her car missing, she would be livid, but at that exact moment, she was glad that they went the extra mile, if only because that mile allowed her to escape.

The engine purred to life as she turned the key, and without hesitation, she kicked the car into reverse.  As she turned the wheel, she saw the cabin door fly open from the corner of her eye.  With a small wave in Jaxon’s direction, she shifted into drive and started down the driveway.  In the rearview mirror, she watched as Jaxon kicked the gravel near his feet while yelling something she could only guess were curses.  With a small laugh, she turned her attention back onto the road ahead of her.  Later, she would apologize for being reckless, for leaving him in the cabin alone while she called for help, but right now, she was doing as she promised herself she would do that morning, she was going to call her brothers and find out everything she could about Jaxon Deveraux.

Sure, in the short time they had spoken, she had slowly began to trust what he said, but that didn’t keep her curiosity from running wild.  She wanted to know more than the man was willing to tell her, and even though she should wait for him to tell her himself, she couldn’t.  If he was in over his head, if there was even a slight possibility that he could be hurt in the future, Amy needed to know it all.  The only way to do that was to call her brothers, but the real question was which one would she call? 

Spencer would be the most obvious choice.  He would pick on her for being the only one in the family who could travel to the middle of nowhere and still find trouble, but he would help her.  The only problem was that he didn’t have the resources of her other brothers.  Asher was out of the question. The first thing he would do is order her home, and when she refused, he would drive down here himself just to drag her back.  There was always Carson, but that particular brother was too law-abiding to do some of the digging she needed.  That left only one, Logan.  She let a small smile form on her face at the thought.

She would call him, and he probably wouldn’t say a word as she babbled about the trouble she was in, but he would come.  He would do anything in his power to help his baby sister, no matter what the costs were.  That was exactly why he would be the brother to call.  He wasn’t as laid back as Spencer, may not be able to find as much information as Carson, but Logan was perfect.  He wouldn’t judge Jaxon for the trouble he had gotten himself into.  He would simply find the best way to help Amy, and if that meant helping Jaxon, he would do that too.

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