October 28 2014

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I still don't know what I want to be for Halloween. I NEED IDEAS!! I wanted to be a panda, but my mom said the costume was too slutty. But she wouldn't even let me look at, so... But I thought it would be fun to do, but now I can't because it's too late to order costumes on Amazon. Now I have to make up my own. I have no idea. Maybe I'll be a bandit or something. Or a broken doll? I don't know. But I'm kinda bummed. I don't think I'll get away with trick or treating this year. I mean, I'll deal, I've had my share of free candy nights, but still. You really don't appreciate it until you're older.

I let Andy read this yesterday. It was a little nerve wracking, but it's okay. I feel like I can trust him. I know I can trust him. I know it's extremely weird I let him read this, but I'm kind of glad at the same time. I want him to know how I feel about him, and I want him to know I'm not lying. It makes me wonder what he really thinks about me.

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