October 31 2014

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Today was Halloween. I had a really great time, I was a candy corn witch. We went to Jo Ann's house, and Andy came too. It was great. I saw him straight after school all the way to that night, around ten ish. I had so much fun. He wasn't going to come with us, but he needed a ride to party city so I asked if we could drop him off. Turns out that was where we were going too, so it worked out. After we went to party city and couldn't find anything, we went home.

Dad went upstairs to get ready, and so did mom, so after we figured out Andy's costume, it was just the three of us downstairs. (Me, Riley, and Andy.) At first we sat next to each other on the small couch while Riley played a game. I decided to see if Andy was ticklish. Turns out, he was. I began to tickle his side and he slid to the floor laughing. I continued to tickle him, and I put my weight in him to keep him from rolling away. I love his laugh. Hearing his laugh makes me so happy. After a while, he was so done and I could tell he didn't want to be tickled any more, and he did get up. And he pinned me, because he didn't know if I would stop. I thought it was pretty funny, not to mention attractive. It's such a turn on when he does that. The only bad thing is that he knows it too.

After a couple of minutes, we ended up on the big couch, and Riley turned Doctor Who on. We sat next to each other, and at first I just sat next to him and put my head in his shoulder and held his hand. I loved it especially when he rubbed circles in my hand with his thumb. It was really nice, just being next to him. Being affectionate with him.

Riley was watching tv in the gaming chair in front of us, so I turned to him and kissed him on the cheek. Except when I pulled away, he turned his face and caught his lips on mine. We kissed about three times, then I pulled away and put my head on his shoulder arms and kind of hugged him from the side. My breathing came out in gasps almost- very quiet, soft gasps if anything- and I was shaking from happiness or excitement, I'm not sure which. Maybe both.

Then mom came downstairs, but luckily we'd heard, so we made ourselves appear 'normal' again. She asked me to check the mail, and I did that gladly. After I checked the mail, I set it on the table and sat next to Andy again, who was still in the exact same spot as before.

When I sat back next to him, we held hands. I first started to rub my thumb on his hand, then he did the same for me. And then we were kissing again. I'm not sure how it started, but it happened. I love kissing him. Even though I'm terrible at kissing, I still like it with him. During the kiss, it was the first time it was open-mouthed. There wasn't any tongue, but I had just put Chapstick on, and there was a bit of saliva. But I didn't mind. It kind of turned me on. It made kissing easier, and he tasted good, honestly. I mean, his saliva didn't taste like much, but I liked it.

He kissed me tenderly, and he ran his fingers through my hair and held his hand on my head, caressing me behind my ear. As we were kissing, he moved my hair on my right shoulder out of the way and he began to place kisses from my neck underneath my jaw and worked his way down to the skin where my neck and shoulder meet. He kissed the spot, and then I felt his teeth run over that area. He had bit me. My body reacted before I could form a conscious thought about what had just gone on. When he bit me, I pulled myself closer to him and a gasp escaped my lips. This was such a turn on, and he knew it, too. I would've moaned if I hadn't been trying so hard to keep quiet.

Afterwards at Jo Ann's, we had been out in the garage, but we couldn't get the TV working, so for a while we were just walking around and talking. When we were in there, he came up behind me and pulled me into a backwards hug, wrapping his arms around me. I leaned into him, because I loved the feeling of him holding me. He was so warm. I love how safe he made me feel. In his arms... I felt loved.

Then he leaned down and bit my neck. Which was embarrassing for multiple reasons. One of them was that I was not expecting it. At all. So I just kind of stood where after he bit me, and he walked away. I could feel myself blush every time he would look back at me. The second reason was because I liked it, and he knew it. Feels like he knows everything. Which can be frustrating sometimes.

Another thing I absolutely loved was when he held my hand while we were trick or treating. He's always so warm. I wish I was allowed to date, because if I was, I would date him.

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